Hi there,
this is what I'm trying to do:
PC1 : stream to PC2 from file to UDP flow
PC2: stream from flow coming from PC1 transcoding to PC3 sendind udp flow
PC3: player
I want to do all this using php code.
On PC1, I execute:
PC1> vlc 80.mpg -I dummy --sout udp://PC2:8099 --loop
On PC2: (php script)
PC2> $process = system("vlc udp://@:8099 -I dummy --sout udp://PC3:8099 &");
code for PC1 works allright written on a console or using PHP system() call.
code for PC2 works allright if I execute if from a console (tried with users root, anotheruser, and even apache [twisted, I know, I changed in /etc/passwd properties for apache so it can have a bash]).
but, if execute code from PC2 using PHP, I get the following in apache logs:
VLC media player 0.8.4a Janus
[00000271] dummy interface: Using the dummy interface module...
[00000279] access_udp access error: cannot open socket
(process:24364): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Unable to create ~/.gnome directory: Permission denied
[00000272] main input error: no suitable access module for `udp://@:8080'
[00000267] main playlist: nothing to play
It seems like it has no permission to open the socket or something like that...
I promise I've searched all the forum, but I could not get any help on this...
I'm using Centos 4, with php PHP 5.1.6 and vlc 0.8.4a
Could anybody give me a hand on this? I would be really thankful, as I've lost some days with this issue...
Thanks so much!