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extended options for mozilla plugin

Posted: 02 Oct 2006 09:17
by denz
It would be great if the Mozilla Plugin would have the same options as the ActiveX Control.
Choosing the Audiotrack by "audio-track=index" for example.
Could you please answer if this will be implemented!?
Thank you very much.
Greats Sebastian

Posted: 03 Oct 2006 11:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Mozilla plugin and ActiveX are going to be changed in 0.9.0 They will have more features.

Posted: 04 Oct 2006 09:39
by denz
Do you have an idea of the space of time when 0.9.0 will propably be released?
An approximately date will be enough for me of course :wink:

Posted: 05 Oct 2006 10:15
by Spellcoder
Oh, I hoped there would be a new version with 0.8.6 :(.
I develop a webapplication which runs from DVD without installation. Upon starting you can choose you're language. The webapplication should automaticly select the correct audio-track when playing DVD video.

The webapplication runs from Firefox, since using IE poses to many problems (like not being sure of the installed IE version, ample debugging capabilities,weird bugs in IE,bound to Windows platform).

But for Windows+Firefox I think the only way to select an audio-track is to use the ActiveX hosting plugin ( ) together with the VLC ActiveX plugin. For Mac OSX there's no solution at the moment.