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script take 2 videos to one file

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 12:34
by e6964822

I want write an script what take two videos from multicast IP:PORT and put this into one file. I read mosaic domumetation but I not read how save into a file.

Can we do mosaics in this version 8.5?

I'm also loocking for a mosaic wizard but i not found it.

Thank you very mush.

mosaics goes well?

Posted: 10 Oct 2006 10:11
by e6964822
I created scripts to make simple mosaics. Also I tried to create mosaics using mosaic wizard (Windows XP, ). However these not goes well.
Somebody can create mosaic that goes well.

I need get to videos more one audio and crate a mosaic with it.

Thank you very mush.

I love VLC :wink: