Problem adding MRL with web interface
Posted: 27 Jul 2006 14:21
I want to add a MRL via URL Parameter, but It simply does not add to the playlist.
here my current control statement that doesn´t work:
<vlc id="control" param1="add mrl 'dir' url_extract"/>
Does someone know what I have done wrong ?
the parameter is given with this url
the rest of the script (ctrl.html) works well :
thanks blendax
here my current control statement that doesn´t work:
<vlc id="control" param1="add mrl 'dir' url_extract"/>
Does someone know what I have done wrong ?
the parameter is given with this url
the rest of the script (ctrl.html) works well :
Code: Select all
<title>VLC media player - add a file</title>
<vlc id="control" param1="stop,pause,previous,next,add,dir,sout,play,delete,empty,seek,fullscreen,keep,volume,sort,move" />
<vlc id="set" param1="sout" param2="string" />
<h2><center><a href="/">VLC media player <vlc id="value" param1="version" /></a></center></h2>
<vlc id="if" param1="stream_length stream_position =" />
<p> No Music in list ... adding <br />
<vlc id="value" param1="'dir' url_extract"/><br /><br /></p>
<vlc id="control" param1="add mrl 'dir' url_extract"/>
<vlc id="else" />
<p> Something is playing </p>
Stream Length : <vlc id="value" param1="stream_length" /> <br />
Stream Position : <vlc id="value" param1="stream_position" />
<vlc id="end" />
<p><vlc id="value" param1="copyright" /> </p>