Multiple visualizations with ActiveX: shared audio channel?

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Multiple visualizations with ActiveX: shared audio channel?

Postby Urban » 28 Jun 2006 16:28

I want to make an app that would load 2 instances of VLC activeX component
and show 2 different visualizations (same visual effect for 2 different streams).

I managed to disable video with :novideo, set the visual effect in vlcrc,
but the audio channel for displaying visualization seems to be shared by both components.

I tried displaying 2 different videos / playing 2 different audios and it all works ok.
Only the visual effects move identically (i can tell, because audio is
very quiet: when i turn on 2nd (louder) audio, both visualizers jump significantly).

Any ideas how to solve this problem? The same doesn't happen with 2 VLCs,
nor does it with 2 separate apps (each with only 1 activex),
but i'd like a single app for easier control.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 25
Joined: 03 Feb 2006 11:23
Location: Est

Postby myangga » 28 Jun 2006 17:04

I never work with VLC visual music but ...
I just can tell U to check onemore time your script to see if do not put the same AxVLC plugin name twice...
It appends some times... We are not perfect, me first ;-)

Or send us part of codes to see where U call Ur visual
Good luck

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