I'm a newbie, need help with embedding vlc player on webpage

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I'm a newbie, need help with embedding vlc player on webpage

Postby BP_X_Z » 26 Jun 2006 10:49

Hi Folks!

I am trying to set up VLC player on my webpage but dont really know how to do. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 final edition and coding in C#/ASP.net 2.0.

I have been trying to load the vlc activeX control by trying to load the axvlc.dll from visual studio toolbox in the com-component section. But I cant see the VLC control icon anywhere, are there any steps that I have forgot?
please help me, I havent found anything on the internet regarding this.


Postby alec_robertson » 26 Jun 2006 15:28

Check out the vlc plugin test page for some example html code...

Code: Select all


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