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Please, for the love of god, loop!

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 00:25
by revox
Hi, I am driving myself bonkers trying to get autoloop to work. controlname.autoloop=true does not seem to do anything and I am running out of ideas just trying random options (such as :loop=true, -L loop=true) in the addtarget statement. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 01:12
by revox
arg...this is arguably the best video player in the known universe, it has to be able to just has to. Anyone....anyone?

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 22:23
by dionoea
It has ... but i don't know how to do that in the web plugins

Posted: 17 Jun 2006 01:05
by revox
Dog gone it. I am using the activeX in .net and it works flawlessly...all execpt to that dang auto loop. It has a very prominent property for it Autoloop = true/false. It just does not appear to do anything, which I find extremely strange since the documentation is so scarce, but Autoloop is mentioned often. I just figure I must somehow be doing something wrong.

Posted: 17 Jun 2006 12:17
by Quovodis
autoloop was broken in 0.8.4, but works fine in 0.8.5. however the main gotcha with this feature is that it is only queried during initialization only (typically before the first MRL is played), if you change it afterwards, the new value will be ignored.
other properties in the same boat are MRL and Autoplay.
(basically those guys were designed to be used as HTML parameters and as a persistable default state for VLC in property sheets)
it is possible that those properties may be usable outside of initialization in a future of VLC, but typically they are not needed at runtime as you can use

- play()/pause()/stop() methods for AutoPlay
- addTarget() for MRL
- "input-repeat" option in place of AutoLoop

'input-repeat' is not quite the same as autoloop, as the former repeat a current input/MRL and the latter repeat the whole playlist, but if you repeat an M3U MRL, it should achieve the same goal as AutoLoop.

Posted: 21 Jun 2006 06:31
by revox
Hi Quovodis, thx so much for the reply. I am using 0.8.5, here is my current test code:

mrlstring = "test.avi"

AxVLCPlugin1.AutoLoop = True
VOptions(0) = ":input-repeat=10"
(I have also tried :input-repeat, :input-repeat=true, :input-repeat=yes)

AxVLCPlugin1.AutoPlay = True
AxVLCPlugin1.addTarget(mrlstring, VOptions, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666)

It plays once thorugh just fine, but I am still getting no love from the loop. *scratches head*

autoloop, et al

Posted: 03 Dec 2006 22:45
by digizar
Excerpt from description:
...the MRL, Autoplay and Autoloop properties
are only used to configure the initial state
of the ActiveX control, i.e before its activation; they are ignored afterward.

...which is 'not very convenient'.
Especially if one needs a few vlc players simultaneously -
all with different options.

Maybe it is changed in 0.9.x ?