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need HELP! with ActiveX

Posted: 05 Jun 2006 22:59
by alexsott2
Someone, please advice how can "skip" be implemented in JavaScript for VLC ActiveX.

I posted this before as viewtopic.php?t=21113 but no luck with answers.

Someone tried that???


Posted: 10 Jun 2006 20:04
by Quovodis
I guess you haven't tried:

Code: Select all

<a href="javascript:;" onclick='document.video1.Time = 600;'>Go Part 2</a>

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:18
by alexsott2

Then one more question, if I may

Which file formats/codecs support such an arbitrary seek?

I tried a bunch of files, on some of them "seek", or jumping to the predefined time position works just fine, on others it is just ignored and VLC keep playing the content.

Please advice what is the requirements for file format and codecs to make "seekable" video files.

This question I also posted as a new topic here:

Thanks again