Black screens when playing multiple ActiveX on a single page

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 53
Joined: 19 Feb 2006 20:08

Black screens when playing multiple ActiveX on a single page

Postby SyRenity » 27 Apr 2006 23:14


I'm trying to load multiple ActiveX (via frames) on a single page. The problem is that some of the ActiveX instances are playing well, while other show black screens.

Has anyone managed to playback multiple ActiveX and got them all working?

Thanks in advance.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 53
Joined: 19 Feb 2006 20:08

Postby SyRenity » 04 May 2006 11:56


I enabled the logger interface to see what's exactly happening when the black screen appear. On the moment this happening, the following error appears:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg warning: ac-tex damaged at 21 17 (msmpeg4@06F76400) ffmpeg warning: error while decoding block: 21 x 17 (5) (msmpeg4@06F76400) ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 412 (msmpeg4@06F76400) ffmpeg debug: concealing 215 DC, 215 AC, 215 MV errors (msmpeg4@06F76400)
Calling the "play" function of the ActiveX resumes the paying until the next black screen.

I'm also getting a lot of the following messages:

Code: Select all

main warning: late picture skipped (303000) main warning: late picture skipped (103000) ffmpeg error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
Although, the CPU is only used at 5%, and mostly running on Idle process.

Perhaps these messages will allow a clearer view of the issue, and allow to produce a solution?


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