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how to capture video frame in vlc using vb .net

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 16:05
by bluesea
as mention above,
i tried to search through the methods of the vlc activex, but i was unable to find any method that allow me to capture the frame of a video.
Could someone advice me on how to do this.

me 2

Posted: 14 Apr 2006 21:34
by zimbot
I do not know but would ALSO like to know... in fact a command line how-to- for windows or a VB6 solution.... would be wonderFUL!

Posted: 15 Apr 2006 14:42
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
AFAIK, you can't.

The ActiveX is about running VLC inside a browser. To use LibVLC from the .Net framework, you'd have to use C# bindings. At the moment, the only existing ones that I know were made by Jon Lech Johansen and there was no plan by him to merge these within the official VLC.