VLC crash/quit after 9-10 minutes recording
Posted: 06 Apr 2006 11:51
I'm using the following Perl script to record mij Axis camera stream. I want to record a file of 1 hour (--stop-time=3600).
The problem is that VLC crashes/quit after 9-10 minutes. The log file doesn't show an error.
Please help!
The problem is that VLC crashes/quit after 9-10 minutes. The log file doesn't show an error.
Please help!
Code: Select all
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$maandje=$mon + 1;
$jaartje=$year + 1900;
$dir=$jaartje . $maandje . $mday ."-". $hour . $min;
system "vlc -vvv rtsp://xxxxxxxx.dyndns.org/mpeg4/media.amp --rtsp-tcp --extraintf logger --logfile logfile.log --logmode text --sout $dir.mp4 --stop-time=3600 vlc:quit";