mosaic.js button onclick better IE workaroud
Posted: 29 Mar 2006 19:59
I found better IE workaround for creating button with onclick function:
Do not call function create_button( caption, action )...
Please test it with Mozilla family browsers.
Original code mosaic.js:
New code:
I found better IE workaround for creating button with onclick function:
Do not call function create_button( caption, action )...
Please test it with Mozilla family browsers.
Original code mosaic.js:
Code: Select all
var id = x+'_'+y;
var melt = create_button( cells[id] ? cells[id] : '?', 'mosaic_elt_choose(\"'+id+'\");' );
melt.setAttribute( 'id', id );
melt.setAttribute( 'title', 'Click to choose stream' );
mcell.appendChild( melt );
mrow.appendChild( mcell );
Code: Select all
var id = x+'_'+y;
var melt = document.createElement("input");
melt.setAttribute('type', 'button');
melt.setAttribute( 'id', id );
melt.setAttribute( 'title', 'Click to choose stream' );
melt.setAttribute('value', cells[id] ? cells[id] : '?');
mcell.appendChild( melt );
mrow.appendChild( mcell );