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seek problems in firefox

Posted: 28 Mar 2006 09:23
by dannyatmassive
I've looked about but can't seem to answer the following question.

I'm streaming an mp4 file from my local machine via vlc plugin (0.8.4a) on Firefox ( I've been able to get document.video1.get_time() to return the correct time value. When I try to seek however, using,false) where bookmark equals 6 or 12 or 20 for example, I get no result. The video plays from the beginning. I've tried putting seek both before and after the play() command, but no luck.

I would happily use the file directly, but the plugin only works when I'm calling the file from a URL, as I expect it's supposed to.

Any ideas?

Posted: 19 Jan 2007 23:37
by Djay

I have the same problems with avi or ogm videos and the VLC plugin on Firefox.

seek(X,true) or seek(X,false) don't work

i tried to use the command Ctrl + left / right.. but nothing.

Impossible to seek !!!

When i try directly on VLC (no the plugin), i can seek AVI. OGM still don't work.

Have someone a solution ?


PS : sorry for my english