Problems to put two videos in the same web page...

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Problems to put two videos in the same web page...

Postby David2006 » 23 Mar 2006 18:32

I am trying to put two videos on the same web page. I use the balise <embed> with the mozilla plugin. It works when I am connected in root, but only one video works when I am connected in user, and mozilla bug...
Do you have some tracks?

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Postby KevinP » 28 Mar 2006 11:46

Can you show us what your code look like ?

Are you using right acces to your page ? Or maybe it's because of the configuration of mozilla.
You may have other kind of setting in user mode. Maybe check in about:plugins, you may find something.


vcl embed

Postby richardH » 03 May 2006 08:03

I've also been looking for code to embed the vcl plaayer in HTML - can anybody post the code needed?

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Postby dionoea » 03 May 2006 21:37

Antoine Cellerier
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