http VLM new button hide/show vlm_helper
Posted: 23 Mar 2006 08:36
this is a proposal for http VLM interface.
I found useful button, which can hide/show VLM helper. I have several Elements and helper fills viewable space. It can be done in a much better way, but this is just idea.
In ./http/js/vlm.js define a new function
and in ./http/dialogs/vlm add
this is a proposal for http VLM interface.
I found useful button, which can hide/show VLM helper. I have several Elements and helper fills viewable space. It can be done in a much better way, but this is just idea.
In ./http/js/vlm.js define a new function
Code: Select all
function hide_helper()
var helper = document.getElementById( 'vlm_helper' ).style.display;
if(helper=='none') { document.getElementById( 'vlm_helper' ).style.display = '';}
{document.getElementById( 'vlm_helper' ).style.display = 'none';}
Code: Select all
<button id="btn_hide_helper" onclick="hide_helper();" onmouseover="button_over(this);" onmouseout="button_out(this);">
Toggle helper