ActiveX and --rtp-client-port option

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ActiveX and --rtp-client-port option

Postby Alf_fr » 16 Mar 2006 15:55

Hello !

I'm trying to use the VLC activex to read data on a rstp flux in a application.

Using one of the latest nightly builds, I can use the --rtp-client-port to force the port to use when reading a rstp flux with a command like:
Shell("C:\vlc.exe -q rtsp:// --rtp-client-port=31336", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

If I try to use vlc activex, I do that:
Dim myoptions As New ArrayList
Dim myMRL As String
myMRL = "rtsp://"
myVLC.addTarget(myMRL, myoptions, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, -666)

but i have nothing.
Does the activex support this option, and how can i use it ?

Thx for all !


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Postby tonsofpcs » 16 Mar 2006 18:45

Try making the last member of the options array be "".

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Postby Alf_fr » 16 Mar 2006 20:39

I tried "" and also a Nothing, but it returned an exception error: incorrect parameter in the axvlc.dll.

I suppose my first code was right but the way I give arguments is bad.

Anyone got an idea ?

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Postby Alf_fr » 30 Mar 2006 16:26

ok I found the point ! :D
don't use : and -- before options !

Now the code is:
Dim myoptions() As String = {Nothing}
myoptions(0) = "rtp-client-port=31336"
Dim myMRL As String
myMRL = TextBox2.Text
myVLC2.addTarget(myMRL, myoptions, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, -666)

Guess what ? It works !

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Postby lagarazo » 04 Oct 2006 13:21

What nightly builds did you use to be able to set


I need to use it. Thank you!

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