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How can I extract the current stream_length via http

Posted: 22 Jan 2006 09:19
by mordikay
the title is my question, and I´ve found some Infos in Chapter5 and here on Board.

<vlc id="value" param1="stream_position" />
<vlc id="value" param1="stream_length" />
<vlc id="value" param1="stream_time" />

But how shopuld I send it to VLC ?

I´ve tried several combinations but ever i get back the whole source code from the vlc http site.

for e.G. I tried:

and so on ..

Could anyone give me support ??
thanx a lot.

Posted: 06 Feb 2006 17:30
by mordillo
Is No one here who can help me with this ?? I cant belive it ..

Come on Guys .. help me Please

Posted: 06 Feb 2006 19:03
by dionoea
it's a bit more complicated. try using the new http interface in the nightly builds. use http://<ip>:<port>/requests/status.xml to get all the info you need on the file.

Posted: 09 Feb 2006 16:44
by mordillo
Is vlc 0.8.5-svn still supporting /dboxfiles.htm ?

The application i wrote is for the dbox/dreambox

Posted: 09 Feb 2006 17:10
by mordillo
I´ve downloaded the newest nightly, but what a shock ....

No more Dbox/DreamBox support for getting Fileinformation of PC Hdd..

Should this be implemented for further versions, or is it dead ?? Please NOT do this ... please, please

Posted: 09 Feb 2006 18:28
by dionoea
it's in the old/ directory.

Posted: 09 Feb 2006 18:50
by mordillo
But how can i succeed it with the new version ...

with http://<ip>:<port>/old/admin/the_commands_I_used_so_far

It is so, I´ve tried it ...

Posted: 10 Feb 2006 19:21
by mordillo
Another Question:
the Web Response I get while calling /dboxfiles where in another Format as in Version 0.8.4 und lower. Is this so, or am i getting the flase commands (dont think so .. )

Posted: 10 Feb 2006 22:07
by mordillo
There is a Problem:
While trying to get a response from the startdir, everything is ok, but would i go one path down, for e.g. startdir= c:/movie == OK, next selection is: c:/movie/folder1, the response I get is ... nothing