ipv6 and streaming with mozilla-vlc-plugin

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ipv6 and streaming with mozilla-vlc-plugin

Postby pfe14 » 20 Jan 2006 17:46

Hello !

I am developping a VOD server using VLC and I have installed the mozilla-vlc-plugin. It works very well using ipv4 but as soon as I use IPV6 for my network it doesnt work any more.
I followed the tutorial http://www.videolan.org/doc/vlc-user-guide/en/ch07.html :

<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin"
target="" />

this worked well but changing the target to :
did not work at all, I m having the blank player windows with "no picture". I tried to backslash the brackets and a few other tricks but nothing worked.

Anyone tested this plugin with IPv6 ?
Else if you have any other ideas how I could play the video in the client's browser (using ipv6), or lauch vlc in an external windows by clicking on a link (with the correct parameters so it can directly connect to the stream lauched on the server ) I would be very thankful !

Thanks in advance


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