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Use VLC ActiveX with DELPHI

Posted: 11 Jan 2006 10:13
by ananced

I try to use ActiveX VLC in Delphi project but i do not.
I import ActiveX with Delphi's rules activeX import.
But i always EOLSystem error, (Membre introuvable).
Does someone use VLC ActiveX in delphi ?

Posted: 12 Jan 2006 09:40
by Guest
I do (Delphi 7 and latest official version of VLC). It works perfectly in both design-time and run-time. My only problem is control except for the properties exposed by the component. I got command line arguments working when adding to a playlist but I haven't got "setVariable" working yet...

Posted: 12 Jan 2006 10:00
by Guest
Thanks for your answer.
Could you show me how you intialize the main VLClass ?
I try

Code: Select all

VLCPlugin1 := TVLCPlugin.CreateParented(self.handle); with VLCPlugin1: TVLCPlugin;
And after i can't use class's proprity and method.
Thanks for your answer.

Posted: 12 Jan 2006 17:20
by Guest
I imported the ActivX control (got the unit AXVLC_TLB and a component on the component palette). I then just drop the activeX component on a form and change the properties and events through the object tree...

Posted: 19 Jan 2006 01:49
by Guest
I do (Delphi 7 and latest official version of VLC). It works perfectly in both design-time and run-time. My only problem is control except for the properties exposed by the component. I got command line arguments working when adding to a playlist but I haven't got "setVariable" working yet...
I use the active x component with delphi 6, and it accepts command line arguments too, but i can't get it to apply more than one filter at the same time, it only takes the first one and just don't see the others...

The parameters are :

Code: Select all

s[0]:='vout-filter=deinterlace'; s[1]:=':deinterlace-mode=blend';

Posted: 19 Jan 2006 05:23
by tonsofpcs
Still a work in progress, but this may help:
Also, if I remember correctly, the options need to be contained in one array of char.

Posted: 19 Jan 2006 14:52
by Guest
Still a work in progress, but this may help:
Also, if I remember correctly, the options need to be contained in one array of char.
Thanks tonsofpcs, but i don't think the problem comes from my programming, s is an array of char here.
I can start playing the video without problem, i can use nooverlay parameter and transform filter or deinterlace filter, but it's impossible to have the two filters at the same time, it seems like the second one is not seen...
I'm afraid it's a bug in the active x ?

Posted: 19 Jan 2006 17:31
by tonsofpcs
What happens if you type all options directly into one segment of the array of char (eg s[0]:=':optionone :optiontwo :optionthree'; )

Posted: 19 Jan 2006 22:10
by Guest
What happens if you type all options directly into one segment of the array of char (eg s[0]:=':optionone :optiontwo :optionthree'; )
Neither does it work ...
I can have as many option i want for one filter, but it's impossible to use two filters at the same time :(
I think this is a bug, no ?

Posted: 21 Jan 2006 00:08
by tonsofpcs
Ok, one more try (for now). Try making it an array of char with the last member as a null char ('').