Very simple program that uses VLC

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Very simple program that uses VLC

Postby alpvir » 02 May 2020 19:46

I am almost sure I have not posted this intervention of mine in the right place but I am only now beginning to enter this world. I apologize for this.

I want to make a very simple program (almost a "Hello word") that should run on a Raspberry; should be launched immediately, when the Raspberry starts.
It simply needs to display video from a single webcam. Just this !
Using VLC and doing a series of operations, the video can be seen by opening the network stream at "rtps: / / admin@ 554"
Which language to use ?
Is there any example available ?
Where can I start ?
Thanks in advance

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Re: Very simple program that uses VLC

Postby chubinou » 18 May 2020 09:48

For setting up the RPi, I think the RPi forum is a better place to ask, in my opinion this is just a matter of setting up systemd to start a small script / daemon at startup

for the vlc side, there is probably no need to have programming involved, you can launch VLC form command line to set up a streaming server. Few examples are described here.

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