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FastRewind command in VLC's ActiveX ?

Posted: 20 Dec 2005 09:36
by Dreambox
I have tried the VLC's ActiveX and it's very usefull for Visual Basic programs.
But, I miss some commands.
I found the command to Fast Forward the video : .playfaster()
but I would like a command to Fast Rewind the video and to play the video at the normal speed again but I didn't find them.
Could you help me ?


Posted: 20 Dec 2005 10:41
by Quovodis
there is no fast rewind, but don't despair, you can simulate the behaviour by using the time propery, which allows you to seek anywhere in the stream.

.i.e, if you want to fast rewind at 2X, you set up a timer which will fire every second and you type the following code in the event callback

VLCPlugin1.Time = VLCPlugin1.Time - 2

to play at normal speed again, just call playSlower()

Posted: 20 Dec 2005 17:22
by Dreambox
Thanks for the help.

For the playSlower command, it's that I use but if, for example, the fast forward is in 4X, I have to apply playslower 2 times. Then how can I know howmany playSlower I have to sent ?