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VLC ActiveX: clearPlaylist does NOT work.

Posted: 18 Dec 2005 01:05
by Jess'ca
Also, neither ..

addTarget(path, ovOptions, VLCPlayListReplace, 0);
.. nor ..
addTarget(path, ovOptions, VLCPlayListReplace, 1);

.. does actually OVERWRITE the track that is stored in the first position of the playlist.

What does the AndGo mean anyways? (VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, etc..)


Posted: 18 Dec 2005 01:15
by Jess'ca
(sry for the double-posting)

Posted: 18 Dec 2005 14:38
by Quovodis
thanks for the bug report, could you be a more specific on the type you of MRL you are inserting and replacing so that we can reproduce your setup.
means go to that postition in the playlist, which basically means play the MRL at the position you specified in the AddTarget(), which is usually the MRL you also specified