VlcSharp : render tracker music internally to memorystream, than play

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VlcSharp : render tracker music internally to memorystream, than play

Postby Gerhard » 22 Sep 2019 01:12

I'd like to do the following:

* Load a tracker-module file (FastTracker, ImpulseTracker, et cetera)
* Parse the file to a memorystream (wav?)
* Play that memorystream

I can play a tracker-module file fine, using code such as:

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Core.Initialize(); _libVLC = new LibVLC(); _mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC); var media = new Media(_libVLC, "c:\\modulefile.xm", FromType.FromPath); _mediaPlayer.Media = media; _mediaPlayer.Play();
However, i'd like to skip to certain parts in the music using a trackbar (WinForms).

This is working, but due to the nature of Tracker Modules, I might not hear all samples that should be playing at a certain offset. For example, a looped string might start at the beginning of a track (first pattern) and continue for 30 seconds of the song. If I skip to say 10 seconds, I (might not) hear that string playing.

So, as a solution I'd like to parse the whole track to memory first, than play the memorystream instead.

I know that I could export to disk, (with AddOption and "sout:...") than open that file and play it, but I'd rather play a direct stream instead (less overhead).

I can't figure out the code I need to write to do this? There are some code samples, but I couldn't find a solution, and there is little documentation available. Any help would be appreciated

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Re: VlcSharp : render tracker music internally to memorystream, than play

Postby mfkl » 09 Jan 2020 09:56

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve exactly, but maybe this API is what you're looking for https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp/blob/3.x/LibVLCSharp/Shared/MediaPlayer.cs#L1013?

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