--no-autoscale has no effect
Posted: 01 May 2017 09:17
The AxVLC apparently does not respect the --no-autoscale (neither :no-autoscale) switch. As far a my tests can confirm, the AxVLC *always* resizes the video display to fit maximally in the container window while maintaining aspect ratio.
Here is the VB6 code I use to reproduce the issue:
I do not have the expertise to make an HTML example. If someone can and can prove ":no-autoscale" is working, please provide the working HTML as it may shed light on why my code is not.
Here is the VB6 code I use to reproduce the issue:
Code: Select all
Public Sub Play(Optional lngID As Long = 0)
vlc.Playlist.Play lngID
End Sub
Public Sub PlaylistPlay(strURL As String)
Play PlaylistAdd(strURL)
End Sub
Public Function PlaylistAdd(strURL As String) As Long
PlaylistAdd = vmpPreview.Playlist.Add("file:///" + strURL, , ":no-autoscale")
End Function