Recording X seconds length files "dashcam style"

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Recording X seconds length files "dashcam style"

Postby przemsky » 18 Apr 2017 20:03

Hello, first of all sorry if this is not right place for this post...

I am trying to record some "dashcam style" webcam output with VLC - I want to record 150 seconds file, play it and in the same time record another so I can always see on screen 150 seconds delayed video

I created .cmd file and tested it on screen:// where timer starts from 00:00:00 and it records files in a loop like I want

Code: Select all

:rec CALL "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" screen:// --screen-fps=10 --qt-start-minimized :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=400,scale=1}:file{dst=C:\%date:~-10,4%%date:~-5,2%%date:~-2,2%_%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.mp4} --run-time=10 vlc://quit GOTO :rec
But because there is no time runnning on streams or there are some random values eg. 94:41:11 --stop-time or --run-time doesn't work

Code: Select all

CALL "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=400,scale=1}:file{dst=C:\%date:~-10,4%%date:~-5,2%%date:~-2,2%_%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.mp4} --run-time=5 vlc://quit
This records all the time, --run-time doesn't stop it :? Any idea how can I limit record time?

And maybe any sugestions how to play first file while second is recording? And then second, third etc...

Thank you in advance

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