Mouse events in ActiveX?

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donq - stuart
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Mouse events in ActiveX?

Postby donq - stuart » 05 May 2016 14:29

I've got a VB.Net application using the VLC 2.2.2 ActiveX control on a Windows Form.

I want to raise an event whenever the user right-clicks on the VLC panel, so that I can provide a custom context-sensitive menu based on where they are in the movie.

I can't get any sort of event raised from the mouse clicking so far. I've had a look at ... =87749&e=0 but it seems to be for v1 of the plugin, and all that happens if I try and implement it is that Visual Studio becomes very unstable and crashes whenever I try to do anything; seemingly it doesn't like having a class 'MyAxVLCplugin' that inherits AxAXVLC.AxVLCPlugin2, it seems it's very unhappy about that.

Is there a proper, straightforward way to raise an event in VB.Net if the user clicks (or specifically right-clicks) on the VLC plugin?

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