probleme html5 yag video and video straming

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probleme html5 yag video and video straming

Postby hypsos » 23 Nov 2015 14:21


I have a RaspberryPI (name: rpi, IP: ip_rpi) with a picam and motion running on. From a pc, it's possible de to see the video stream in a browser : http://ip_rpi:9090.

On the pc, I would like to see this video stream this an adress like: for exemple.

Code: Select all

<video> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support the VIDEO tag . </video>
So, I use cvlc to transform the video stream. In an strem (debian 8 on the pc), I tried:

Code: Select all

cvlc -vvv http://ip_rpi:9090 --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=}'
On the pc, it's possible to see the video stream with the following command :

Code: Select all

However, impossible to see the video with the broser (iceweasel, firefox, chrome, opera)

I made a lot of tests with different video codecs, with rstp instead of http..........without the desired result.

Is someone has an idea ?


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