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Issues with vlc.input.time not updating

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 22:36
by JMGirard
I am using ActiveX to embed VLC 2.1.5 within a MATLAB (R2014b) figure. While playing a video, I want to display the video time stamp multiple times per second using a timer. This all works quite nicely, except that the time stamp does not increment as fast as I'd like. If this were the case, the output would look like: 0.000, 0.100, ... , 2.000. Instead, it seems to repeat certain numbers (as shown below). Is this an issue of how I am querying the time stamp or does it just not update fast enough? Does the update speed vary by computer?

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fig = figure; vlc = actxcontrol('VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2',[0 0 400 300],fig); t = timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedRate', ... 'Period',0.10, ... 'TasksToExecute',20,... 'TimerFcn','disp(vlc.input.time/1000);',... 'StopFcn','vlc.playlist.stop()'); vlc.playlist.add('file://localhost/video.mp4');; start(t);
Example Output:

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0.000 0.307 0.601 0.601 0.601 0.903 0.903 0.903 1.202 1.202 1.202 1.502 1.502 1.502 1.800 1.800 1.800 2.102 2.102 2.102 2.401

Re: Issues with vlc.input.time not updating

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 08:38
by RSATom

Re: Issues with vlc.input.time not updating

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 20:09
by JMGirard
Thank you RSATom; the link was helpful. Ideally, VLC would increase its temporal resolution. However, in the meantime, I was able to adapt this work-around:

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function mwe last_ts_vlc = 0; last_ts_sys = 0; fig = figure; vlc = actxcontrol('VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2',[0 0 400 300],fig); t = timer(... 'ExecutionMode','fixedRate', ... 'Period',0.05, ... 'TasksToExecute',100,... 'TimerFcn',@timer_Callback,... 'StopFcn',@timer_Cleanup); vlc.playlist.add('file://localhost/video.mp4'); a = tic; start(t);; function timer_Callback(~,~) ts_vlc = vlc.input.time/1000; ts_sys = toc(a); if ts_vlc == last_ts_vlc && last_ts_vlc ~= 0 ts_diff = ts_sys - last_ts_sys; ts_vlc = ts_vlc + ts_diff; fprintf('%f *\n',ts_vlc); else last_ts_vlc = ts_vlc; last_ts_sys = ts_sys; fprintf('%f\n',ts_vlc); end end function timer_Cleanup(~,~) delete(t); end end
I now get output like this:

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0.000000 0.000000 0.379000 0.524026 * 0.547650 * 0.700000 0.796576 * 1.000000 1.036312 * 1.077174 * 1.215125 * 1.240523 * 1.300000 1.442218 * 1.450852 * 1.600000 1.748362 * 1.749543 * 1.820491 * 1.900000 2.200000 2.244058 * 2.500000 2.544737 * 2.687710 * 2.800000 2.817524 * 2.868725 * 3.100000 3.117315 * 3.161042 * 3.295879 * 3.400000 3.530405 * 3.555859 * 3.700000 4.000000 4.024536 * 4.072040 * 4.212366 * 4.300000 4.340622 * 4.363510 * 4.600000 4.701124 * 4.900000 4.948787 * 4.986760 * 5.019817 * 5.165957 * 5.200000 5.500000 5.800000 5.897894 * 5.923710 * 6.086371 * 6.100000 6.101379 * 6.400000 6.582067 * 6.700000 6.726970 * 6.785883 * 6.931990 * 7.000000 7.215887 * 7.300000 7.349231 * 7.535583 * 7.600000 7.795317 * 7.821314 * 7.900000 7.960549 * 8.200000 8.438918 * 8.500000 8.542604 * 8.688697 * 8.800000 8.849015 * 8.868693 * 8.912794 * 9.100000 9.400000 9.700000 9.709693 * 9.758806 * 10.000000 10.078359 * 10.100346 * 10.138720 * 10.300000 10.600000 10.619578 *