Job for Powerbuilder/VB6 developer - $200

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Job for Powerbuilder/VB6 developer - $200

Postby dhepburn » 24 Nov 2014 10:43

I will pay you if you can get this working for me. I have racked my brain to make it work but everything I try fails. I have a test app I've been working on which is attached and I have the 10 videos I want to run that you can download. I would prefer your app to also be in Powerbuilder but I will accept VB6 so long as it can be converted to Powerbuilder (by me?). In other words, it's not using something specific to VB that other languages can't do.

I want to run 10 instances of the same application which all have a window with a VLC ActiveX object on them. They each run a Quicktime video on the ActiveX. The app will eventually be running on a specially built, high-end, multi-display PC with 10 screens attached. The video forms a spanned movie over the 10 displays and needs to keep perfectly in sync to make the effect work. Each instance is told what screen number it is and moves itself to the appropriate extended desktop it needs to run on. The PC that it will run on will have 2 x AMD W600 graphics cards (6 outputs on each card - two of the outputs won't be used obviously).

I have written a test app in Powerbuilder. You don't need 10 screens to run this, I have changed it to open 10 small windows on your PC monitor instead. The test app keeps them close to being synced but its not good enough. Your app will need to keep them perfectly synced without looking stupid as it adjusts the videos regularly. I emphasize it must keep the videos in PERFECT SYNC. This test app will not play the video smoothly on your PC as running 10 videos is quite a drain on resources whereas on the proper PC it will run each video on each output GPU, so ignore that for the most part.

The test app does the following:-
- start the app and pass in a value of 1 thru to 10 which indicates what screen number this instance will display on, eg. "mu2.exe 2"
- Open w_main window and position itself based on the number that was passed it (for the first instance, it also opens a control window (w_id))
- w_main sends its window handle to the w_id window
- Start playing the video and pause it after loading
- Send a message to w_id window that it is loaded the video and paused it
- When w_id has received the ready message from all 10 windows, it sends a message back to each window to release the pause so the video start on all 10 windows "almost instantaneously"
each time w_id sends a message, w_main checks what time w_id sent it compared to what time w_main received it in case there was some delay.

I have written some AutoExec scripts which starts the app 10 times. It's called RunApps.exe (source is also included). I have also included a KillApps to kill
any remaining test app instances that remain running. I haven't worried about working that problem out yet, that can come later.
The Zip file, containing the mu2.pbl (Powerbuilder source), mu2.exe (compiled app), and the two scripts, can be downloaded from ...

The videos total 200mb and should be placed in the same directory as the source. They can be downloaded from ...

This task is important to me, hence the reason for the $200 reward to whoever gets this running perfectly smooth and synced.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Job for Powerbuilder/VB6 developer - $200

Postby RSATom » 24 Nov 2014 10:59

don't think start 10 videos at same time will be enough to keep them synced...

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