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JSON Object parsing

Posted: 08 Sep 2014 12:37
by pezalot
Hello all,
I have little doubt about how to use and can I use JSON parsing mechanism included in VLC. For example I make some different EPG service, and in my xspf file I use "annotation" tag which is URL point to JSON file. Then I make request to this URL which contains EPG (in JSON format) for my live stream channels. How can I use JSON parsing to parse this JOSON file in objects for later use?

"id": {
"140563": [
"channelName": "2014InfoSD"
"title": "Serwis info"
"time": "1410177600"
"description": "Some Descritpion form profram"
"link": ""
"atTime": true
"category": "Info"
"duration": "1h:30m"