using activex vlc in C#

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using activex vlc in C#

Postby bolo » 11 Aug 2005 21:59

Hi All,

I am trying to use vlc activex in my C# application, and i cant make it work. The problem is in addTarget method.

This is a small example that shows the problem :

using System;

namespace ExamplePlayer
class MainClass

public static void Main(string[] args)
AXVLC.VLCPluginClass player = new AXVLC.VLCPluginClass();
player.addTarget("C:\\test.avi", "", AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsert, 0);

The example compiles fine (adding the needed reference to the activex) but if a i execute it thats what i get :

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF):
Error catastrófico at AXVLC.VLCPluginClass.addTarget(String uri, Object options,
VLCPlaylistMode mode, Int32 Position)
at ExamplePlayer.MainClass.Main(String[] args) in c:\Documents and Settings\Yo\Mis documentos\SharpDevelop Projects\ExamplePlayer\Main.cs:line 19

I have a more elaborated example in which i am be able to see video window embeded in my App with the white screen and the vlc logo on center. But if i call addTarget i got the same error.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Regards ;)


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Postby dionoea » 11 Aug 2005 22:22

which VLC version are you using ? activex is only usable (outside of IE) in developement version (0.8.4-svn). Get it here :
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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Postby bolo » 11 Aug 2005 22:33

Yes, i am using the last development version...

Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby Quovodis » 11 Aug 2005 22:39

the current development version of the ActiveX does not currently work properly with .NET.
Hopefully, a working version should be available shortly, watch out for the commits

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Postby bolo » 11 Aug 2005 22:51

Thanks, I will be waitting for the changes.

Maybe, the problem could be in the VLCPlaylistMode. I have a working example using wxpython, i pass VLCPlaylistMode argument as integer in the addTarget call (It is the same as showed in the IE activex example html page).

It seems that the activex vlc component does work well with typed languages. It is only an idea...

Thanks ;)



Postby ®obbi » 17 Aug 2005 21:39

As already posted in another thread, this error occurs always when calling any function of the correctly created player instance. It has nothing to do with .Net or the addTarget call.
Let's wait and hope for an update ;-)

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Postby ®obbi » 17 Aug 2005 21:45

now registered ;-)
It's unbelievable, but it's true ®

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Postby zcot » 18 Aug 2005 08:13

looks to me like the code example above is what makes the control fail..

you could only "hope" of that call to addTarget would work..

just my take on it.. :)

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Postby ®obbi » 18 Aug 2005 08:44

looks to me like the code example above is what makes the control fail..
you could only "hope" of that call to addTarget would work..
just my take on it.. :)
No. Like I wrote earlier every method call fails, not only the one of the example above.
It's unbelievable, but it's true ®

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Postby Magabondu » 18 Aug 2005 15:43

i've had the same experience.


Postby Guest » 18 Aug 2005 20:25

looks to me like the code example above is what makes the control fail..
you could only "hope" of that call to addTarget would work..
just my take on it.. :)
No. Like I wrote earlier every method call fails, not only the one of the example above.
No. Like he said, that code example above is only wishful thinking.

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Postby Quovodis » 22 Aug 2005 11:57

the latest activex checkins should allow to use the plugin with any of the Microsoft .NET apps;

it works with MS Visual Basic Express 2005 beta 2

those checkins should be available on any nightly releases built on or after the 22nd of August 2005

please report whether this works for you or not

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Got it Embedded in .NET C# WinForm but cannot progress

Postby markEmark » 25 Aug 2005 16:33

Hi Everyone,

I am using the 24-08-2005 Nightly Build on WinXP. First of all I would like to thank Quovodis (and the any other developers) for progressing the ActiveX side of VLC.

I am also using VS.NET 2003 and I have embedded a VLC ActiveX Instance in my simple win form, however I cannot get it to play anything.

The first thing I did to add it was to add it to my tool box, and then dragged and dropped a instance on a simple winform.

Now I am trying to play a simple avi but it gives me the output as below.

When I am adding the Target it only accepts an object as a paramter however if I try to use a string and cast it to an obect I get an error ...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in axinterop.axvlc.dll

Additional information: The parameter is incorrect.

So if anyone can post some code that they have used with VC# and the VLC ActiveX it would be much appreciated...



Code: Select all

axVLCPlugin1.addTarget("C:\\test.avi", null, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsert, 0);;
  • [00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/vlcrc
    [00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
    [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `I:\CellCast\TestVLCActiveX\test1\bin\Debug\modules'
    [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `I:\CellCast\TestVLCActiveX\test1\bin\Debug\plugins'
    [00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 14 modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/vlcrc
    [00000000] main root debug: VLC media player - version 0.8.4-svn20050825 Janus - (c) 1996-2005 the VideoLAN team
    [00000000] main root debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --build=i386-linux --disable-sdl --disable-gtk --disable-dts --enable-nls --disable-hal --enable-skins2 --enable-gnutls --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac --with-ffmpeg-zlib --with-ffmpeg-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --enable-faad --enable-flac --enable-theora --enable-twolame --enable-dvdread --disable-vcdx --disable-cddax --enable-mozilla --with-mozilla-sdk-path=/usr/win32/gecko-sdk --with-fribidi-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --with-wx-config-path=/usr/
    [00000001] main vlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
    [00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/vlcrc
    [00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
    [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `I:\CellCast\TestVLCActiveX\test1\bin\Debug\modules'
    [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `I:\CellCast\TestVLCActiveX\test1\bin\Debug\plugins'
    [00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 14 modules
    [00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data/vlc/vlcrc
    [00000001] main vlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT FPU
    [00000001] main vlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates
    [00000010] main module debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
    [00000024] main playlist debug: waiting for thread completion
    [00000024] main playlist debug: thread 3424 (playlist) created at priority 0 (src/playlist/playlist.c:154)
    [00000025] main private debug: waiting for thread completion
    [00000025] main private debug: thread 3172 (preparser) created at priority 0 (src/playlist/playlist.c:176)
    [00000026] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 0 candidates
    [00000026] main interface error: no interface module matched "hotkeys,none"
    [00000026] main interface error: no suitable intf module
    [00000001] main vlc error: interface "hotkeys,none" initialization failed
    [00000024] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `C:\test.avi' ( C:\test.avi )
    [00000024] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
    [00000027] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
    [00000027] main input debug: thread 3148 (input) created at priority 1 (src/input/input.c:230)
    [00000027] main input warning: drive letter C: found in source
    [00000027] main input debug: `C:\test.avi' gives access `' demux `' path `C:\test.avi'
    [00000027] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='C:\test.avi'
    [00000028] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
    [00000028] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matched "any"
    [00000027] main input debug: creating access '' path='C:\test.avi'
    [00000029] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 0 candidates
    [00000029] main access error: no access2 module matched "any"
    [00000027] main input error: no suitable access module for `C:\test.avi'
    [00000027] main input debug: thread times: real 0m0.100144s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
    [00000027] main input debug: thread 3148 joined (src/input/input.c:386)
    [00000024] main playlist: nothing to play

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Replying to myself

Postby markEmark » 25 Aug 2005 16:49

Upon reading the debug output from the VLC I realised the problems was the plugins were missing....

So I created a directory called plugins and copied the plugins from the VLC nightly build directory... and voila... it works...

Does anyone know how the second parameter works in the addTarget?

Actually any documentation even if it be in the form of code or anything would be really cool...



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Postby Quovodis » 27 Aug 2005 21:43

here's the output of vlc --longhelp --advanced, which list the options that vlc accepts;
the option argument of addTarget must be an array of string following the same format as the command line arguments
and follow the syntax of options that only applies to playlist items; as indicated below
You can specify multiple playlistitems on the commandline. They will be enqueued in the playlist.
The first item specified will be played first.

--option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
-option A single letter version of a global --option.
:option An option that only applies to the playlistitem directly before it
and that overrides previous settings.

Playlistitem MRL syntax:
URL[@[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]] [:option=value ...]

Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.
Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.

URL syntax:
[file://]filename Plain media file
http://ip:port/file HTTP URL
ftp://ip:port/file FTP URL
mms://ip:port/file MMS URL
screen:// Screen capture
[dvd://][device][@raw_device] DVD device
[vcd://][device] VCD device
[cdda://][device] Audio CD device
udp:[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
UDP stream sent by a streaming server
vlc:pause:<seconds> Special item to pause the playlist for a certain time
vlc:quit Special item to quit VLC

--audio, --no-audio Enable audio (default enabled)
--volume <integer> Audio output volume
--volume-step <integer> Audio output volume step
--aout-rate <integer> Audio output frequency (Hz)
--hq-resampling, --no-hq-resampling
High quality audio resampling (default
--spdif, --no-spdif Use the S/PDIF audio output when available
(default disabled)
--audio-desync <integer> Audio desynchronization compensation
--aout <string> Audio output module
--audio-filter <string> Audio filters
--audio-visual <string> Audio visualizations

--video, --no-video Enable video (default enabled)
--grayscale, --no-grayscale
Grayscale video output (default disabled)
-f, --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen
Fullscreen video output (default disabled)
--skip-frames, --no-skip-frames
Skip frames (default enabled)
--quiet-synchro, --no-quiet-synchro
Quiet synchro (default disabled)
--overlay, --no-overlay Overlay video output (default enabled)
--video-on-top, --no-video-on-top
Always on top (default disabled)
--snapshot-path <string> Video snapshot directory
--snapshot-format {png,jpg}
Video snapshot format
--width <integer> Video width
--height <integer> Video height
--video-x <integer> Video x coordinate
--video-y <integer> Video y coordinate
--aspect-ratio <string> Source aspect ratio
--monitor-aspect-ratio <string>
Monitor aspect ratio
--video-deco, --no-video-deco
Window decorations (default enabled)
--video-title <string> Video title
--align {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Video alignment
--zoom <float> Zoom video
-V, --vout <string> Video output module
--vout-filter <string> Video filter module

--osd, --no-osd On Screen Display (default enabled)
--sub-file <string> Use subtitle file
--sub-autodetect-file, --no-sub-autodetect-file
Autodetect subtitle files (default enabled)
--sub-autodetect-fuzzy <integer>
Subtitle autodetection fuzziness
--sub-autodetect-path <string>
Subtitle autodetection paths
--sub-margin <integer> Force subtitle position
--sub-filter <string> Subpictures filter module

--access <string> Access module
--access-filter <string> Access filter module
--demux <string> Demux module
--program <integer> Choose program (SID)
--programs <string> Choose programs
--audio-track <integer> Choose audio track
--sub-track <integer> Choose subtitles track
--audio-language <string> Choose audio language
--sub-language <string> Choose subtitle language
--input-repeat <integer> Input repetitions
--start-time <integer> Input start time (seconds)
--stop-time <integer> Input stop time (seconds)
--input-list <string> Input list
--input-slave <string> Input slave (experimental)
--bookmarks <string> Bookmarks list for a stream
--dvd <string> DVD device
--vcd <string> VCD device
--cd-audio <string> Audio CD device
--server-port <integer> UDP port
--mtu <integer> MTU of the network interface
--iface-addr <string> Network interface address
-6, --ipv6, --no-ipv6 Force IPv6 (default disabled)
-4, --ipv4, --no-ipv4 Force IPv4 (default disabled)
--ipv4-timeout <integer> TCP connection timeout in ms
--socks <string> SOCKS server
--socks-user <string> SOCKS user name
--socks-pwd <string> SOCKS password
--meta-title <string> Title metadata
--meta-author <string> Author metadata
--meta-artist <string> Artist metadata
--meta-genre <string> Genre metadata
--meta-copyright <string> Copyright metadata
--meta-description <string>
Description metadata
--meta-date <string> Date metadata
--meta-url <string> URL metadata
--cr-average <integer> Clock reference average counter
--clock-synchro {-1 (Default), 0 (Disable), 1 (Enable)}
Clock synchronisation

--codec <string> Preferred codecs list
--encoder <string> Preferred encoders list

Stream output
--sout <string> Default stream output chain
--sout-display, --no-sout-display
Display while streaming (default disabled)
--sout-keep, --no-sout-keep
Keep stream output open (default disabled)
--sout-all, --no-sout-all Enable streaming of all ES (default disabled)
--sout-audio, --no-sout-audio
Enable audio stream output (default enabled)
--sout-video, --no-sout-video
Enable video stream output (default enabled)
--ttl <integer> Time To Live
--mux <string> Mux module
--access_output <string> Access output module
--packetizer <string> Preferred packetizer list
--sap-flow-control, --no-sap-flow-control
Control SAP flow (default disabled)
--sap-interval <integer> SAP announcement interval

--fpu, --no-fpu Enable FPU support (default enabled)
--mmx, --no-mmx Enable CPU MMX support (default enabled)
--3dn, --no-3dn Enable CPU 3D Now! support (default enabled)
--mmxext, --no-mmxext Enable CPU MMX EXT support (default enabled)
--sse, --no-sse Enable CPU SSE support (default enabled)
--sse2, --no-sse2 Enable CPU SSE2 support (default enabled)

--memcpy <string> Memory copy module
-A, --audio-channel-mixer <string>
Channel mixer
--plugins-cache, --no-plugins-cache
Use a plugins cache (default enabled)
--plugin-path <string> Modules search path
--minimize-threads, --no-minimize-threads
Minimize number of threads (default disabled)
--one-instance, --no-one-instance
Allow only one running instance (default
--playlist-enqueue, --no-playlist-enqueue
Enqueue items to playlist when in one
instance mode (default disabled)
--high-priority, --no-high-priority
Increase the priority of the process (default
--fast-mutex, --no-fast-mutex
Fast mutex on NT/2K/XP (developers only)
(default disabled)
--win9x-cv-method <integer>
Condition variables implementation for Win9x
(developers only)
--vlm-conf <string> VLM configuration file

-Z, --random, --no-random Play files randomly forever (default disabled)
-L, --loop, --no-loop Repeat all (default disabled)
-R, --repeat, --no-repeat Repeat current item (default disabled)
--play-and-stop, --no-play-and-stop
Play and stop (default disabled)
--open <string> Open MRL
-S, --services-discovery <string>
Services discovery modules

-I, --intf <string> Interface module
--extraintf <string> Extra interface modules
-v, --verbose <integer> Verbosity (0,1,2)
-q, --quiet, --no-quiet Be quiet (default disabled)
--language {auto,en,en_GB,ca,da,de,es,fr,it,ja,nl,pt_BR,ro,ru,tr,zh_TW}
--color, --no-color Color messages (default disabled)
--advanced, --no-advanced Show advanced options (default enabled)
--control <string> Control interfaces

Hot keys
--key-fullscreen <integer> Fullscreen
--key-play-pause <integer> Play/Pause
--key-pause <integer> Pause only
--key-play <integer> Play only
--key-faster <integer> Faster
--key-slower <integer> Slower
--key-next <integer> Next
--key-prev <integer> Previous
--key-stop <integer> Stop
--key-position <integer> Position
--key-jump-3sec <integer> Jump 3 seconds backwards
--key-jump+3sec <integer> Jump 3 seconds forward
--key-jump-10sec <integer> Jump 10 seconds backwards
--key-jump+10sec <integer> Jump 10 seconds forward
--key-jump-1min <integer> Jump 1 minute backwards
--key-jump+1min <integer> Jump 1 minute forward
--key-jump-5min <integer> Jump 5 minutes backwards
--key-jump+5min <integer> Jump 5 minutes forward
--key-nav-activate <integer>
--key-nav-up <integer> Navigate up
--key-nav-down <integer> Navigate down
--key-nav-left <integer> Navigate left
--key-nav-right <integer> Navigate right
--key-title-prev <integer> Select previous DVD title
--key-title-next <integer> Select next DVD title
--key-chapter-prev <integer>
Select prev DVD chapter
--key-chapter-next <integer>
Select prev DVD chapter
--key-quit <integer> Quit
--key-vol-up <integer> Volume up
--key-vol-down <integer> Volume down
--key-vol-mute <integer> Mute
--key-subdelay-up <integer>
Subtitle delay up
--key-subdelay-down <integer>
Subtitle delay down
--key-audiodelay-up <integer>
Audio delay up
--key-audiodelay-down <integer>
Audio delay down
--key-audio-track <integer>
Cycle audio track
--key-subtitle-track <integer>
Cycle subtitle track
--key-intf-show <integer> Show interface
--key-intf-hide <integer> Hide interface
--key-snapshot <integer> Take video snapshot
--key-set-bookmark1 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 1
--key-set-bookmark2 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 2
--key-set-bookmark3 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 3
--key-set-bookmark4 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 4
--key-set-bookmark5 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 5
--key-set-bookmark6 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 6
--key-set-bookmark7 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 7
--key-set-bookmark8 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 8
--key-set-bookmark9 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 9
--key-set-bookmark10 <integer>
Set playlist bookmark 10
--key-play-bookmark1 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 1
--key-play-bookmark2 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 2
--key-play-bookmark3 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 3
--key-play-bookmark4 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 4
--key-play-bookmark5 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 5
--key-play-bookmark6 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 6
--key-play-bookmark7 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 7
--key-play-bookmark8 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 8
--key-play-bookmark9 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 9
--key-play-bookmark10 <integer>
Play playlist bookmark 10
--key-history-back <integer>
Go back in browsing history
--key-history-forward <integer>
Go forward in browsing history
--key-record <integer> Record

Help options
-h, --help print help for VLC (can be combined with
-H, --longhelp print help for VLC and all it's modules (can
be combined with --advanced)
--advanced print help for the advanced options
--help-verbose ask for extra verbosity when displaying help
-l, --list print a list of available modules
-p, --module <string> print help on a specific module (can be
combined with --advanced)
--save-config save the current command line options in the
--reset-config reset the current config to the default values
--config <string> use alternate config file
--reset-plugins-cache resets the current plugins cache
--version print version information (RTSP/RTP/SDP) demuxer
--rtsp-tcp, --no-rtsp-tcp Use RTP over RTSP (TCP) (default disabled)
--rtsp-caching <integer> Caching value (ms)
--rtsp-kasenna, --no-rtsp-kasenna
Kasenna RTSP dialect (default disabled)

TS muxer (libdvbpsi)
--sout-ts-pid-video <integer>
Video PID
--sout-ts-pid-audio <integer>
Audio PID
--sout-ts-pid-spu <integer>
--sout-ts-pid-pmt <integer>
--sout-ts-tsid <integer> TS ID
--sout-ts-program-pmt <integer>
PMT Program number
--sout-ts-es-id-pid, --no-sout-ts-es-id-pid
Set PID to id of ES (default disabled)
--sout-ts-shaping <integer>
Shaping delay (ms)
--sout-ts-use-key-frames, --no-sout-ts-use-key-frames
Use keyframes (default disabled)
--sout-ts-pcr <integer> PCR delay (ms)
--sout-ts-bmin <integer> Minimum B (deprecated)
--sout-ts-bmax <integer> Maximum B (deprecated)
--sout-ts-dts-delay <integer>
DTS delay (ms)
--sout-ts-crypt-audio, --no-sout-ts-crypt-audio
Crypt audio (default enabled)
--sout-ts-crypt-video, --no-sout-ts-crypt-video
Crypt video (default enabled)
--sout-ts-csa-ck <string> CSA Key
--sout-ts-csa-pkt <integer>
Packet size in bytes to encrypt

ffmpeg audio/video decoder/encoder ((MS)MPEG4,SVQ1,H263,WMV,WMA)
--ffmpeg-dr, --no-ffmpeg-dr
Direct rendering (default enabled)
--ffmpeg-error-resilience <integer>
Error resilience
--ffmpeg-workaround-bugs <integer>
Workaround bugs
--ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-ffmpeg-hurry-up
Hurry up (default disabled)
--ffmpeg-vismv <integer> Visualize motion vectors
--ffmpeg-lowres <integer> Low resolution decoding
--ffmpeg-pp-q <integer> Post processing quality
--ffmpeg-pp-name <string> ffmpeg post processing filter chains
--ffmpeg-debug <integer> Debug mask
--sout-ffmpeg-hq {rd,bits,simple}
Quality level
--sout-ffmpeg-keyint <integer>
Ratio of key frames
--sout-ffmpeg-bframes <integer>
Ratio of B frames
--sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up
Hurry up (default disabled)
--sout-ffmpeg-interlace, --no-sout-ffmpeg-interlace
Enable interlaced encoding (default disabled)
--sout-ffmpeg-interlace-me, --no-sout-ffmpeg-interlace-me
Enable interlaced motion estimation (default
--sout-ffmpeg-vt <integer> Video bitrate tolerance
--sout-ffmpeg-pre-me, --no-sout-ffmpeg-pre-me
Enable pre motion estimation (default
--sout-ffmpeg-strict-rc, --no-sout-ffmpeg-strict-rc
Enable strict rate control (default disabled)
--sout-ffmpeg-rc-buffer-size <integer>
Rate control buffer size
--sout-ffmpeg-rc-buffer-aggressivity <float>
Rate control buffer aggressiveness
--sout-ffmpeg-i-quant-factor <float>
I quantization factor
--sout-ffmpeg-noise-reduction <integer>
Noise reduction
--sout-ffmpeg-mpeg4-matrix, --no-sout-ffmpeg-mpeg4-matrix
Enable MPEG4 quantization matrix (default
--sout-ffmpeg-qmin <integer>
Minimum video quantizer scale
--sout-ffmpeg-qmax <integer>
Maximum video quantizer scale
--sout-ffmpeg-trellis, --no-sout-ffmpeg-trellis
Enable trellis quantization (default disabled)
--sout-ffmpeg-qscale <float>
Use fixed video quantizer scale
--sout-ffmpeg-strict <integer>
Strict standard compliance
--sout-ffmpeg-lumi-masking <float>
Luminance masking
--sout-ffmpeg-dark-masking <float>
Darkness masking
--sout-ffmpeg-p-masking <float>
Motion masking
--sout-ffmpeg-border-masking <float>
Border masking
--sout-ffmpeg-luma-elim-threshold <integer>
Luminance elimination
--sout-ffmpeg-chroma-elim-threshold <integer>
Chrominance elimination

MPEG2 video switcher stream output
--sout-switcher-files <string>
--sout-switcher-sizes <string>
--sout-switcher-aspect-ratio <string>
Aspect ratio
--sout-switcher-port <integer>
Command UDP port
--sout-switcher-command <integer>
--sout-switcher-gop <integer>
GOP size
--sout-switcher-qscale <integer>
Quantizer scale
--sout-switcher-mute-audio, --no-sout-switcher-mute-audio
Mute audio (default enabled)

Standard filesystem directory input
--recursive {none,collapse,expand}
Subdirectory behavior

Fake input
--fake-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--fake-fps <float> Framerate
--fake-id <integer> ID
--fake-duration <integer> Duration in ms

Standard filesystem file input
--file-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--file-cat <string> Concatenate with additional files

FTP input
--ftp-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--ftp-user <string> FTP user name
--ftp-pwd <string> FTP password
--ftp-account <string> FTP account

HTTP input
--http-proxy <string> HTTP proxy
--http-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--http-user-agent <string> HTTP user agent
--http-reconnect, --no-http-reconnect
Auto re-connect (default disabled)
--http-continuous, --no-http-continuous
Continuous stream (default disabled)

SMB input
--smb-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--smb-user <string> SMB user name
--smb-pwd <string> SMB password
--smb-domain <string> SMB domain

TCP input
--tcp-caching <integer> Caching value in ms

UDP/RTP input
--udp-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--udp-auto-mtu, --no-udp-auto-mtu
Autodetection of MTU (default enabled)

Audio CD input
--cdda-caching <integer> Caching value in ms

DVDnav Input
--dvdnav-angle <integer> DVD angle
--dvdnav-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--dvdnav-menu, --no-dvdnav-menu
Start directly in menu (default enabled)

DVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)
--dvdread-angle <integer> DVD angle
--dvdread-caching <integer>
Caching value in ms
--dvdread-css-method {title,disc,key}
Method used by libdvdcss for decryption

Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
--mms-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--mms-all, --no-mms-all Force selection of all streams (default
--mms-maxbitrate <integer> Select maximum bitrate stream

Screen Input
--screen-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--screen-fps <float> Frame rate
--screen-fragment-size <integer>
Capture fragment size

VCD input
--vcd-caching <integer> Caching value in ms

--record-path <string> Record directory

File stream output
--sout-file-append, --no-sout-file-append
Append to file (default disabled)

HTTP stream output
--sout-http-user <string> Username
--sout-http-pwd <string> Password
--sout-http-mime <string> Mime
--sout-http-cert <string> Certificate file
--sout-http-key <string> Private key file
--sout-http-ca <string> Root CA file
--sout-http-crl <string> CRL file

UDP stream output
--sout-udp-caching <integer>
Caching value (ms)
--sout-udp-ttl <integer> Time To Live
--sout-udp-group <integer> Group packets
--sout-udp-raw, --no-sout-udp-raw
Raw write (default disabled)

Headphone channel mixer with virtual spatialization effect
--headphone-dim <integer> Characteristic dimension

ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
--a52-dynrng, --no-a52-dynrng
A/52 dynamic range compression (default

DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
--dts-dynrng, --no-dts-dynrng
DTS dynamic range compression (default

Equalizer 10 bands
--equalizer-preset {flat,classical,club,dance,fullbass,fullbasstreble,fulltreble,headphones,largehall,live,party,pop,reggae,rock,ska,soft,softrock,techno}
Equalizer preset
--equalizer-bands <string> Bands gain
--equalizer-2pass, --no-equalizer-2pass
Two pass (default disabled)
--equalizer-preamp <float> Global gain

Volume normalizer
--norm-buff-size <integer> Number of audio buffers
--norm-max-level <float> Max level

DirectX audio output
--directx-audio-device <integer>
Output device
--directx-audio-float32, --no-directx-audio-float32
Use float32 output (default enabled)

File audio output
--audiofile-format {u8,s8,u16,s16,u16_le,s16_le,u16_be,s16_be,fixed32,float32,spdif}
Output format
--audiofile-channels <integer>
Output channels number
--audiofile-file <string> Output file
--audiofile-wav, --no-audiofile-wav
Add wave header (default enabled)

Win32 waveOut extension output
--waveout-float32, --no-waveout-float32
Use float32 output (default enabled)

DVB subtitles decoder
--dvbsub-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Subpicture position
--dvbsub-x <integer> X coordinate of the subpicture
--dvbsub-y <integer> Y coordinate of the subpicture
--sout-dvbsub-x <integer> X coordinate of the encoded subpicture
--sout-dvbsub-y <integer> Y coordinate of encoded the subpicture
--sout-dvbsub-timeout <integer>
Timeout of subpictures

Fake video decoder
--fake-file <string> Image file
--fake-width <integer> Video width
--fake-height <integer> Video height
--fake-keep-ar, --no-fake-keep-ar
Keep aspect ratio (default disabled)
--fake-aspect-ratio <string>
Background aspect ratio
--fake-deinterlace, --no-fake-deinterlace
Deinterlace video (default disabled)
--fake-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
Deinterlace module

Text subtitles decoder
--subsdec-align {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right)}
Subtitles justification
--subsdec-encoding {System Default,ASCII,UTF-8,,ISO-8859-1,CP1252,MacRoman,MacIceland,ISO-8859-15,,ISO-8859-2,CP1250,
Subtitles text encoding

Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder
--svcdsub-debug <integer> If nonzero, this gives additional debug

Theora video decoder
--sout-theora-quality <integer>
Encoding quality

Vorbis audio decoder
--sout-vorbis-quality <integer>
Encoding quality
--sout-vorbis-max-bitrate <integer>
Maximum encoding bitrate
--sout-vorbis-min-bitrate <integer>
Minimum encoding bitrate
--sout-vorbis-cbr, --no-sout-vorbis-cbr
CBR encoding (default disabled)

h264 video encoder using x264 library
--sout-x264-qp <integer> Quantizer parameter
--sout-x264-qp-min <integer>
Minimum quantizer parameter
--sout-x264-qp-max <integer>
Maximum quantizer parameter
--sout-x264-cabac, --no-sout-x264-cabac
Enable CABAC (default enabled)
--sout-x264-loopfilter, --no-sout-x264-loopfilter
Enable loop filter (default enabled)
--sout-x264-analyse {,all,normal,fast,none}
Analyse mode
--sout-x264-tolerance <float>
Bitrate tolerance
--sout-x264-vbv-maxrate <integer>
Maximum local bitrate
--sout-x264-vbv-bufsize <integer>
Averaging period for the maximum local bitrate
--sout-x264-vbv-init <float>
Initial buffer occupancy
--sout-x264-keyint <integer>
Sets maximum interval between IDR-frames
--sout-x264-keyint-min <integer>
Sets minimum interval between IDR-frames
--sout-x264-bframes <integer>
B frames
--sout-x264-bpyramid, --no-sout-x264-bpyramid
B pyramid (default disabled)
--sout-x264-frameref <integer>
Number of previous frames used as predictors.
--sout-x264-scenecut <integer>
Scene-cut detection.
--sout-x264-subpel <integer>
Sub-pixel refinement quality.

HTTP remote control interface
--http-host <string> Host address
--http-src <string> Source directory
--http-charset <string> Charset
--http-intf-cert <string> Certificate file
--http-intf-key <string> Private key file
--http-intf-ca <string> Root CA file
--http-intf-crl <string> CRL file

Mouse gestures control interface
--gestures-threshold <integer>
Motion threshold (10-100)
--gestures-button {left,middle,right}
Trigger button

Hotkeys management interface
--bookmark1 <string> Playlist bookmark 1
--bookmark2 <string> Playlist bookmark 2
--bookmark3 <string> Playlist bookmark 3
--bookmark4 <string> Playlist bookmark 4
--bookmark5 <string> Playlist bookmark 5
--bookmark6 <string> Playlist bookmark 6
--bookmark7 <string> Playlist bookmark 7
--bookmark8 <string> Playlist bookmark 8
--bookmark9 <string> Playlist bookmark 9
--bookmark10 <string> Playlist bookmark 10

Network synchronisation
--netsync-master, --no-netsync-master
Act as master for network synchronisation
(default disabled)
--netsync-master-ip <string>
Master client ip address

Windows Service interface
--ntservice-install, --no-ntservice-install
Install Windows Service (default disabled)
--ntservice-uninstall, --no-ntservice-uninstall
Uninstall Windows Service (default disabled)
--ntservice-name <string> Display name of the Service
--ntservice-options <string>
Configuration options
--ntservice-extraintf <string>
Extra interface modules

Remote control interface
--rc-show-pos, --no-rc-show-pos
Show stream position (default disabled)
--rc-fake-tty, --no-rc-fake-tty
Fake TTY (default disabled)
--rc-unix <string> UNIX socket command input
--rc-host <string> TCP command input
--rc-quiet, --no-rc-quiet Do not open a DOS command box interface
(default disabled)

Interface showing control interface
--showintf-threshold <integer>

VLM remote control interface
--telnet-host <string> Telnet Interface host
--telnet-port <integer> Telnet Interface port
--telnet-password <string> Telnet Interface password

AVI demuxer
--avi-interleaved, --no-avi-interleaved
Force interleaved method (default disabled)
--avi-index, --no-avi-index
Force index creation (default disabled)

Filedump demuxer
--demuxdump-file <string> Filename of dump
--demuxdump-append, --no-demuxdump-append
Append (default disabled)

JPEG camera demuxer
--mjpeg-fps <float> Frames per Second

MOD demuxer (libmodplug)
--mod-noisereduction, --no-mod-noisereduction
Noise reduction (default enabled)
--mod-reverb, --no-mod-reverb
Reverb (default disabled)
--mod-reverb-level <integer>
Reverb level (0-100)
--mod-reverb-delay <integer>
Reverb delay (ms)
--mod-megabass, --no-mod-megabass
Mega bass (default disabled)
--mod-megabass-level <integer>
Mega bass level (0-100)
--mod-megabass-range <integer>
Mega bass cut off (Hz)
--mod-surround, --no-mod-surround
Surround (default disabled)
--mod-surround-level <integer>
Surround level (0-100)
--mod-surround-delay <integer>
Surround delay (ms)

Text subtitles demux
--sub-fps <float> Frames per second
--sub-delay <integer> Subtitles delay
--sub-type {auto,microdvd,subrip,subviewer,ssa1,ssa2-4,ass,vplayer,sami}
Subtitles fileformat

MPEG Transport Stream demuxer
--ts-extra-pmt <string> Extra PMT
--ts-es-id-pid, --no-ts-es-id-pid
Set id of ES to PID (default disabled)
--ts-out <string> Fast udp streaming
--ts-out-mtu <integer> MTU for out mode
--ts-csa-ck <string> CSA ck
--ts-csa-pkt <integer> Packet size in bytes to decrypt
--ts-silent, --no-ts-silent
Silent mode (default disabled)
--ts-dump-file <string> Filename of dump
--ts-dump-append, --no-ts-dump-append
Append (default disabled)
--ts-dump-size <integer> Dump buffer size

H264 video demuxer
--h264-fps <float> Frames per Second

Old playlist open
--playlist-autostart, --no-playlist-autostart
Auto start (default enabled)

Skinnable Interface
--skins2-last <string> Last skin used
--skins2-config <string> Config of last used skin
--skins2-transparency, --no-skins2-transparency
Enable transparency effects (default disabled)

wxWidgets interface module
--wx-embed, --no-wx-embed Embed video in interface (default enabled)
--wx-bookmarks, --no-wx-bookmarks
Show bookmarks dialog (default disabled)
--wx-taskbar, --no-wx-taskbar
Show taskbar entry (default enabled)
--wx-minimal, --no-wx-minimal
Minimal interface (default disabled)
--wx-autosize, --no-wx-autosize
Size to video (default enabled)
--wx-systray, --no-wx-systray
Show systray icon (default disabled)
--wx-config-last <string> last config

Dummy interface function
--dummy-quiet, --no-dummy-quiet
Do not open a DOS command box interface
(default disabled)
--dummy-save-es, --no-dummy-save-es
Save raw codec data (default disabled)
--dummy-chroma <string> Dummy image chroma format

Freetype2 font renderer
--freetype-font <string> Font
--freetype-fontsize <integer>
Font size in pixels
--freetype-opacity <integer>
Opacity, 0..255
--freetype-color {0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
Text Default Color
--freetype-rel-fontsize {20 (Smaller), 18 (Small), 16 (Normal), 12 (Large), 6 (Larger)}
Font size

GnuTLS TLS encryption layer
--tls-check-cert, --no-tls-check-cert
Check TLS/SSL server certificate validity
(default disabled)
--tls-check-hostname, --no-tls-check-hostname
Check TLS/SSL server hostname in certificate
(default disabled)
--dh-bits <integer> Diffie-Hellman prime bits
--tls-cache-expiration <integer>
Expiration time for resumed TLS sessions
--tls-cache-size <integer> Number of resumed TLS sessions

File logging
--logfile <string> Log filename
--logmode {text,html} Log format

RTSP VoD server
--rtsp-host <string> Host address

UDP/IPv4 network abstraction layer
--miface-addr <string> Multicast output interface

ASF muxer
--sout-asf-title <string> Title
--sout-asf-author <string> Author
--sout-asf-copyright <string>
--sout-asf-comment <string>
--sout-asf-rating <string> Rating
--sout-asf-packet-size <integer>
Packet Size

MP4/MOV muxer
--sout-mp4-faststart, --no-sout-mp4-faststart
Create "Fast start" files (default enabled)

Multipart jpeg muxer
--sout-mpjpeg-separator <string>
Multipart separator string

PS muxer
--sout-ps-dts-delay <integer>
DTS delay (ms)
--sout-ps-pes-max-size <integer>
PES maximum size

MPEG-I/II video packetizer
--packetizer-mpegvideo-sync-iframe, --no-packetizer-mpegvideo-sync-iframe
Sync on intraframe (default disabled)

SAP announces
--sap-addr <string> SAP multicast address
--sap-ipv4, --no-sap-ipv4 IPv4-SAP listening (default enabled)
--sap-ipv6, --no-sap-ipv6 IPv6-SAP listening (default enabled)
--sap-timeout <integer> SAP timeout (seconds)
--sap-parse, --no-sap-parse
Try to parse the SAP (default enabled)
--sap-strict, --no-sap-strict
SAP Strict mode (default disabled)
--sap-cache, --no-sap-cache
Use SAP cache (default disabled)

Bridge stream output
--sout-bridge-out-id <integer>
--sout-bridge-in-delay <integer>
--sout-bridge-in-id-offset <integer>
ID Offset

Display stream output
--sout-display-audio, --no-sout-display-audio
Enable audio (default enabled)
--sout-display-video, --no-sout-display-video
Enable video (default enabled)
--sout-display-delay <integer>

Elementary stream output
--sout-es-access <string> Output access method
--sout-es-access-audio <string>
Audio output access method
--sout-es-access-video <string>
Video output access method
--sout-es-mux <string> Output muxer
--sout-es-mux-audio <string>
Audio output muxer
--sout-es-mux-video <string>
Video output muxer
--sout-es-dst <string> Output URL
--sout-es-dst-audio <string>
Audio output URL
--sout-es-dst-video <string>
Video output URL

Mosaic bridge stream output
--sout-mosaic-bridge-id <string>
--sout-mosaic-bridge-width <integer>
Video width
--sout-mosaic-bridge-height <integer>
Video height
--sout-mosaic-bridge-sar <string>
Sample aspect ratio

RTP stream output
--sout-rtp-dst <string> Destination
--sout-rtp-sdp <string> SDP
--sout-rtp-mux <string> Muxer
--sout-rtp-name <string> Session name
--sout-rtp-description <string>
Session description
--sout-rtp-url <string> Session URL
--sout-rtp-email <string> Session email
--sout-rtp-port-audio <integer>
Audio port
--sout-rtp-port-video <integer>
Video port
--sout-rtp-port <integer> Port
--sout-rtp-ttl <integer> Time To Live

Standard stream output
--sout-standard-access <string>
Output access method
--sout-standard-mux <string>
Output muxer
--sout-standard-url <string>
Output URL
--sout-standard-sap, --no-sout-standard-sap
SAP announcing (default disabled)
--sout-standard-name <string>
Session name
--sout-standard-group <string>
Session groupname
--sout-standard-slp, --no-sout-standard-slp
SLP announcing (default disabled)

Transcode stream output
--sout-transcode-venc <string>
Video encoder
--sout-transcode-vcodec <string>
Destination video codec
--sout-transcode-vb <integer>
Video bitrate
--sout-transcode-scale <float>
Video scaling
--sout-transcode-fps <float>
Video frame-rate
--sout-transcode-hurry-up, --no-sout-transcode-hurry-up
Hurry up (default enabled)
--sout-transcode-deinterlace, --no-sout-transcode-deinterlace
Deinterlace video (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
Deinterlace module
--sout-transcode-width <integer>
Video width
--sout-transcode-height <integer>
Video height
--sout-transcode-maxwidth <integer>
Maximum video width
--sout-transcode-maxheight <integer>
Maximum video height
--sout-transcode-vfilter <string>
Video filter
--sout-transcode-croptop <integer>
Video crop top
--sout-transcode-cropleft <integer>
Video crop left
--sout-transcode-cropbottom <integer>
Video crop bottom
--sout-transcode-cropright <integer>
Video crop right
--sout-transcode-aenc <string>
Audio encoder
--sout-transcode-acodec <string>
Destination audio codec
--sout-transcode-ab <integer>
Audio bitrate
--sout-transcode-channels <integer>
Audio channels
--sout-transcode-samplerate <integer>
Audio sample rate
--sout-transcode-audio-sync, --no-sout-transcode-audio-sync
Synchronise on audio track (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-senc <string>
Subtitles encoder
--sout-transcode-scodec <string>
Destination subtitles codec
--sout-transcode-soverlay, --no-sout-transcode-soverlay
Destination subtitles codec (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-sfilter <string>
Subpictures filter
--sout-transcode-osd, --no-sout-transcode-osd
OSD menu (default disabled)
--sout-transcode-threads <integer>
Number of threads
--sout-transcode-high-priority, --no-sout-transcode-high-priority
High priority (default disabled)

Image properties filter
--contrast <float> Image contrast (0-2)
--brightness <float> Image brightness (0-2)
--hue <integer> Image hue (0-360)
--saturation <float> Image saturation (0-3)
--gamma <float> Image gamma (0-10)

Clone video filter
--clone-count <integer> Number of clones
--clone-vout-list <string> List of video output modules

Crop video filter
--crop-geometry <string> Crop geometry (pixels)
--autocrop, --no-autocrop Automatic cropping (default disabled)

Deinterlacing video filter
--deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
Deinterlace mode
--sout-deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
Deinterlace mode

Distort video filter
--distort-mode {wave,ripple}
Distort mode

Logo video filter
--logo-file <string> Logo filename
--logo-x <integer> X coordinate of the logo
--logo-y <integer> Y coordinate of the logo
--logo-transparency <integer>
Transparency of the logo
--logo-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Logo position

Marquee display sub filter
--marq-marquee <string> Marquee text
--marq-x <integer> X offset, from left
--marq-y <integer> Y offset, from the top
--marq-position <integer> Marquee position
--marq-opacity <integer> Opacity
--marq-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
Text Default Color
--marq-size <integer> Font size, pixels
--marq-timeout <integer> Marquee timeout

Mosaic video sub filter
--mosaic-alpha <integer> Alpha blending
--mosaic-height <integer> Height in pixels
--mosaic-width <integer> Width in pixels
--mosaic-align {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Mosaic alignment
--mosaic-xoffset <integer> Top left corner x coordinate
--mosaic-yoffset <integer> Top left corner y coordinate
--mosaic-vborder <integer> Vertical border width in pixels
--mosaic-hborder <integer> Horizontal border width in pixels
--mosaic-position {0 (auto), 1 (fixed)}
Positioning method
--mosaic-rows <integer> Number of rows
--mosaic-cols <integer> Number of columns
--mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio, --no-mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio
Keep aspect ratio when resizing (default
--mosaic-keep-picture, --no-mosaic-keep-picture
Keep original size (default disabled)
--mosaic-order <string> Order as a comma separated list of
--mosaic-delay <integer> Delay

Motion blur filter
--blur-factor <integer> Blur factor (1-127)

Motion detect video filter
--motiondetect-history <integer>
History parameter
--motiondetect-description <string>
Description file

On Screen Display menu subfilter
--osdmenu-x <integer> X coordinate of the OSD menu
--osdmenu-y <integer> Y coordinate of the OSD menu
--osdmenu-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
OSD menu position
--osdmenu-file <string> OSD menu configuration file
--osdmenu-file-path <string>
Path to OSD menu images
--osdmenu-timeout <integer>
Timeout of OSD menu
--osdmenu-update <integer> Update speed of OSD menu

RSS feed display sub filter
--rss-urls <string> RSS feed URLs
--rss-x <integer> X offset, from left
--rss-y <integer> Y offset, from the top
--rss-position <integer> Marquee position
--rss-opacity <integer> Opacity
--rss-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
Text Default Color
--rss-size <integer> Font size, pixels
--rss-speed <integer> RSS feed speed
--rss-length <integer> RSS feed max number of chars displayed
--rss-ttl <integer> Number of seconds between each forced refresh
of the feeds

Time display sub filter
--time-format <string> Time format string (%Y%m%d %H%M%S)
--time-x <integer> X offset, from left
--time-y <integer> Y offset, from the top
--time-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
Time position
--time-opacity <integer> Opacity, 0..255
--time-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
Text Default Color
--time-size <integer> Font size, pixels

Video transformation filter
--transform-type {90,180,270,hflip,vflip}
Transform type

Wall video filter
--wall-cols <integer> Number of columns
--wall-rows <integer> Number of rows
--wall-active <string> Active windows
--wall-element-aspect <string>
Element aspect ratio

Image video output
--image-out-format {png} Image format
--image-out-ratio <integer>
Recording ratio
--image-out-prefix <string>
Filename prefix

OpenGL video output
--opengl-cube-speed <float>
OpenGL cube rotation speed
--opengl-effect {none,cube,transparent-cube}
Select effect

Goom effect
--goom-width <integer> Goom display width
--goom-height <integer> Goom display height
--goom-speed <integer> Goom animation speed

Visualizer filter
--effect-list <string> Effects list
--effect-width <integer> Video width
--effect-height <integer> Video height
--visual-nbbands <integer> Number of bands
--visual-separ <integer> Band separator
--visual-amp <integer> Amplification
--visual-peaks, --no-visual-peaks
Enable peaks (default enabled)
--spect-show-original, --no-spect-show-original
Enable original graphic spectrum (default
--spect-show-base, --no-spect-show-base
Enable base (default enabled)
--spect-radius <integer> Base pixel radius
--spect-sections <integer> Spectral sections
--spect-color <integer> V-plane color
--spect-show-bands, --no-spect-show-bands
Enable bands (default enabled)
--spect-nbbands <integer> Number of bands
--spect-separ <integer> Band separator
--spect-amp <integer> Amplification
--spect-show-peaks, --no-spect-show-peaks
Enable peaks (default enabled)
--spect-peak-width <integer>
Peak extra width
--spect-peak-height <integer>
Peak height

DirectShow input
--dshow-caching <integer> Caching value in ms
--dshow-vdev {,none} Video device name
--dshow-adev {,none} Audio device name
--dshow-size <string> Video size
--dshow-chroma <string> Video input chroma format
--dshow-fps <float> Video input frame rate
--dshow-config, --no-dshow-config
Device properties (default disabled)
--dshow-tuner, --no-dshow-tuner
Tuner properties (default disabled)
--dshow-tuner-channel <integer>
Tuner TV Channel
--dshow-tuner-country <integer>
Tuner country code
--dshow-tuner-input {0 (Default), 1 (Cable), 2 (Antenna)}
Tuner input type

DirectX video output
--directx-hw-yuv, --no-directx-hw-yuv
Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions (default
--directx-use-sysmem, --no-directx-use-sysmem
Use video buffers in system memory (default
--directx-3buffering, --no-directx-3buffering
Use triple buffering for overlays (default
--directx-device {} Name of desired display device
--directx-wallpaper, --no-directx-wallpaper
Enable wallpaper mode (default disabled)


Sample projects

Postby Guest » 29 Nov 2005 22:08

Could someone post a few sample projects (one in VB.NET, on in C#) for Visual Studio 2005 (or Express product) on the web somewhere?

New Cone
New Cone
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Postby kingbell » 01 Dec 2005 12:29

I use it with C#,it works well.
the code is:
string MRL = "udp://@";

you can try it. :D


Events not triggering

Postby marke » 06 Dec 2005 18:48

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone got the playEvent to trigger succesfully?

If so can you please enlighten me?

.NET 1.1
VLC 0.8.4 (release)



Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 26 May 2005 10:49

Removing the cone.....

Postby markEmark » 08 Dec 2005 12:15

Hi Everyone,

I have successfully embedded VLC 0.8.4 Active X into my Windows form application... and it works relatively sweetly...

I cannot get the playEvent Triggering (I am assuming that gets triggered when the object actually plays the content or stream).

I would also like to change the cone picture (when the object is doing nothing) to something else, whether it be a black box or something else.

Does anyone know how I would be able to do that?




Postby cboury » 05 Feb 2006 20:09

Hi is a part of my code (VLC 0.8.5svn & C#2.0):

Code: Select all

public AXVLC.VLCPlugin VLC = new AXVLC.VLCPlugin(); public string[] Voption ={ ":file-caching=1000", ":sout-ts-pid-video=68", ":sout-ts-pid-audio=69", ":sout-ts-pid-spu=70", ":sout-ts-pcr=80", ":sout-transcode-maxwidth=720", ":sout-transcode-maxheight=576", ":sout-standard-url=", ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2000,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=384,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}" }; public bool VLCPlay(string Uri){ this.VLC.addTarget(Uri, null, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666);; return true; }
So each time i'm on the "addtarget" line, i have an error. i try to do the same thing with VB6, and .......... it works properly.
In this tread many people has the same probleme, so it works for many other. Here is my question : Is it possible to make the activex works properly with VS ? if it is wich Active is needed and how ?

thanks a lot

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Location: Binghamton, NY, USA

Postby tonsofpcs » 06 Feb 2006 06:53

try replacing 'null' with a null array of char (an array containing a single null char [""]) or with that Voption array.


Postby cboury » 06 Feb 2006 16:17

thanks for helping tonsofpcs, so in fact i already try to put Voption in the addtarget syntaxe.

Code: Select all

Défaillance irrémédiable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
i have the same Exception with :

Code: Select all

VLC.addTarget("e:\\a.mp3", "", AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, -666);

Code: Select all

VLC.addTarget("e:\\a.mp3", null, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, -666);

Code: Select all

VLC.addTarget("e:\\a.mp3", Voption, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, -666);
with :

Code: Select all

public string[] Voption ={ ":file-caching=1000", ":sout-ts-pid-video=68", ":sout-ts-pid-audio=69", ":sout-ts-pid-spu=70", ":sout-ts-pcr=80", ":sout-transcode-maxwidth=720", ":sout-transcode-maxheight=576", ":sout-standard-url=", ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2000,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=384,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}" };
thanks for help :wink:


Postby Jim » 18 Mar 2006 09:11

I can't get the control to play anything either.

I first added the activex control into the toolbox, then drag in to the window form.

Here's my code:

Code: Select all

axVLCPlugin1.addTarget("C:\\day.mpg", null, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, 0); axVLCPlugin1.stop(); MessageBox.Show(axVLCPlugin1.Playing.ToString());; MessageBox.Show(axVLCPlugin1.Playing.ToString());
All I get was a cute cone in the box.
However, the messagebox does indicate the activex is playing.

I'm using VS.NET 2003 with vlc-0.8.5-test1-20060318.

Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks ;)


Postby ZeBobo5 » 23 Mar 2006 16:10

Hello, I'm working in C#,

I found something which could help you :

I' had got this error :

Défaillance irrémédiable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))

But I resolv it to add VideoLan COM Control in the ToolBox of VS 2005, and I added it on my form.

In my reference of my projet, I've got AxAXVLC and AXVLC.

After, I add this code on my form Load to test :

Code: Select all

axVLCPlugin1.addTarget("mms://", Voption, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplace, 0);;
And I'm lucky, or the best one, lol, It work well

So Now, How do I Had some options... :?:

- String array ?!? No error but it fails
- Any Idea

My String array :

Code: Select all

string[] Voption ={ "demux=dump", "demuxdump-file=\"F:\\Documents and Settings\\ZeBobo5\\Bureau\\" + title + "\""};
I try to set in MLR property, nothing more...
I try to set in option property of the AddRange argument, nothing more...

Any idea?

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Postby tonsofpcs » 24 Mar 2006 00:28

Try setting the last member of the options array to a null string ("")

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