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Display Video without black border

Posted: 14 Apr 2013 17:24
by Sharvari
Problem : Playing playlist through vlc,Could not able to display video without black border.
Platform : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,32 bit operating system
Description : I am developting an application in html,in which I am playing the playlist using vlc.I want to display the video without black border.How to display video without black border.

Code: Select all

var videopath = new Array(); videopath[0] ="1.mp4"; videopath[1] ="2.mp4"; var videopath_length = videoArr.length; var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc"); for (var i=0;i< videopath_length;i++) { var options = new Array(":aspect-ratio=16:10", ":no-video-title-show"); var id = vlc.playlist.add(videoArr[i],options); vlc.playlist.playItem(id); };
As specified,in above code I have also set aspect ratio and have passed as argument to add method of playlist of vlc.But no luck...
So, my question is ,how to display the video without black boder ???.So that video will display completly in the specified region,without black border.
Eagerly waiting for the reply...
Please requesting you, kindly reply !!!

Many Thanks !!!