Read play state of VLC activex in VB6

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New Cone
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Read play state of VLC activex in VB6

Postby omega1 » 11 Aug 2012 23:05

Hello all,

I have written a piece of software which streams MP3 audio and uses the WindowsMediaPlayer. I am now having to make it stream AAC+ so I am using the VLC activex, I have been able to make it play the stream correctly, but I need to read it's state (IE, is it playing, buffering, stopped, etc...) which was relatively easy with WMP.

Can anyone help me with how to read these parameters? I have done quite a few searches but have not quite found how to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am using the VLC 1.0.5 version

Many thanks in advance!

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Read play state of VLC activex in VB6

Postby theyikes » 29 Mar 2018 16:13

Did you ever figure out how to get the playstate?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Read play state of VLC activex in VB6

Postby omega1 » 29 Mar 2018 16:53

Wow, this is a blast from the past!

Hi there. No, I never did solve that, I ended up just using Windows Media Player without AAC support.

Sorry, I have no valuable feedback I'm afraid.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Read play state of VLC activex in VB6

Postby da2424 » 31 Mar 2018 01:20

To get the play state, eighter you can use vlc.input.state or the playback events, see

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