Alternative ActiveX solution

All you've ever wanted to know about the ActiveX, Mozilla plugins, the web interface and various PHP extensions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 26 Aug 2006 09:27

Alternative ActiveX solution

Postby Kyoorius » 29 Sep 2006 16:12

I fiddled around with the VLC ActiveX plugins without very positive results and so looking for an alternative solution, I came across LaunchinIE ( ). The plugin requires the user to add keys to the registry, so it's probably not for the novice user, but it did allow me to accomplish my goal.

I was trying to create a graphical menu page which would allow my child to easily launch and play all his videos hosted on the file server in the basement. Using launcinInIE along with some php scripting, it was all easily written and working in about an hour. Here's a video clip of the kid in action:

If people are interested, I can probably post instructions and the php script which generates the menu.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 73
Joined: 12 Jun 2006 12:25

Postby karlar » 02 Oct 2006 12:00

Looks very cool.
Please do so

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