debug activex, stops recording after 3 seconds

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debug activex, stops recording after 3 seconds

Postby davedavis » 25 Aug 2006 11:27

Does anyone know how to get an error log file from the activex?

My problem is when i start recording a stream and execute "addTarget", it starts recording 3 seconds and stops. I don't even have to call "play()".

There is no playback, only the cone image on the screen, no error. Just 3 seconds of video recording in the test.ogg file.

Vopt is array of 12 Variant
Vopt[1] = ":dshow-vdev="""""
Vopt[2] = ":dshow-adev="""""
Vopt[3] = ":dshow-size="""""
Vopt[4] = ":dshow-caching=400"
Vopt[5] = ":dshow-chroma="""""
Vopt[6] = ":dshow-fps=25.000000"
Vopt[7] = ":no-dshow-config"
Vopt[8] = ":no-dshow-tuner"
Vopt[9] = ":dshow-tuner-channel=0"
Vopt[10] = ":dshow-tuner-country=0"
Vopt[11] = ":dshow-tuner-input=1"
Vopt[12] = ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ogg,url=""c:\test.ogg""}}"
ActiveX2>>addTarget("rtsp://",Vopt,9 ,-666)

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