addTarget problem

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Blank Cone
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addTarget problem

Postby myangga » 05 Apr 2006 23:04

Hi everybody
I just discovered a few streaming possibilities of VLC ... Damned !!!!
What a beautiful work dudes !

I am developping a soft that can take advantage from vlc activeX.
And that's my prob....

Soft is developed with Windev .... (no comment ;-) )Every thing work fine but when I try to addTarget on activeX, one of my parameter is not valid : the User Defined Mode !

I don't know what kind of parameter it is (int, string, ... ?) and what to do for. Can someone help about this...


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Blank Cone
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Postby myangga » 06 Apr 2006 16:30

In fact my problem come from this parameter :


I tried to addTarget in a windev application and a C# one but both of them don't recognize this parameter ...


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re re

Postby myangga » 06 Apr 2006 16:49

VLCPlayListMode is a constant that can bring parameter like VLCPlayListInsert which is an integer valued to 1 ... well well ...

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Blank Cone
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I nearly got it !

Postby myangga » 07 Apr 2006 00:57

So, i make it in C# :

Code: Select all

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string[] options = new String[1]; string thisMRL = @"D:\evolution.avi"; this.axVLCPlugin1.addTarget(thisMRL,options,AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo,0);; }
and I am near the end in Windev but I can't reach the constant in the DLL for the moment with API() function:

Code: Select all

vlcActivX>>addTarget("D:\evolution.avi",options,API("AXVLC","AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo"),0) vlcActivX>>play()
I will give U more as soon as I can ;-)

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Re: re re

Postby tonsofpcs » 07 Apr 2006 02:49

VLCPlayListMode is a constant that can bring parameter like VLCPlayListInsert which is an integer valued to 1 ... well well ...
It's an ENUMeration of values.
I can't reach the constant in the DLL for the moment with API() function:
What exactly do you mean by this?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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the meaning

Postby myangga » 07 Apr 2006 10:21

In fact when I use "AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo" in my windev function, it doesn't work 'cause Windev doesn't recognize this object.
I thought that I can call this ENUMeration ( ;-) ) with API() command to access to the .dll library but... it calls only functions.

I have to declare this string but how... ? That's what I will looking for this morning.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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extended message

Postby myangga » 07 Apr 2006 10:23

by "constant in dll" I mean that In windev i have an activex browser which gives me all functions of activeX and Constant (windev words) with differents names and values.
Constant is : VLCPlaylistMode
Value is like : VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo

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Postby myangga » 07 Apr 2006 13:58

So ... Windev soft is now bugging sometimes 'cause of activeX...

Doesn't matter, ... I succeeded to realize it with Visual C#.
If someone knows windev and vlc activex, Ur welcome for answer.

Bye thanks all

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby myangga » 10 Apr 2006 17:48

I got it in windev: (sans retransmission, mais on peut en changeant les param de options)

Code: Select all

options est un tableau de 2 chaînes options[1] = ":sout" options[2] = ":duplicate" usermode est un entier = 9 // Correspond au playlist mode AXVLCPLUG>>playlistClear() AXVLCPLUG>>addTarget("C:\monfilm.avi" ,options,usermode,0) AXVLCPLUG>>play()
Write to me for more informations[/quote]


Postby Guest » 21 Apr 2006 14:19

I want to control vlc automatically and set it parameters automatically but do not exactly how to do. Is this the thing is close to what I want to do.
Please reply.
Thanking you.

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