there is a problem in http VLM/mosaic - browse_dir javascript function (WinXP, IE 6, vlc-0.8.5-test1-20060323-0001-win32).
It is trying to use incompete directory names when trying to browse for input file (e.g. for mosaic):
Code: Select all
javascript:browse_path('C:\\ocuments and Settings\\lbert\\.');
updated 23.3.2006
There is a miskate in functions.js
Code: Select all
function addslashes( str ){ return str.replace(/\'/g, '\\\''); }
function escapebackslashes( str ){ return str.replace(/\\[^']/g, '\\\\'); }
Code: Select all
function addslashes( str ){ return str.replace(/\'/g, '\''); }
function escapebackslashes( str ){ return str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); }
I´ll try fix it next time.