Is there any chance to use JSON requests with VLC 1.1.11?

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Nacho B.
New Cone
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Is there any chance to use JSON requests with VLC 1.1.11?

Postby Nacho B. » 28 Jan 2020 09:03

I have finished a link with VLC using JSON, but to my dismay I need to make it work also with version 1.1.11 in Windows. It seems that some clients need 1.1.11 to keep using another old application.

It doesn't work. Reviewing the release repository I've found that JSON requests started in version 2.x.

- So… I wonder if there was beta testings with 1.1.11 and JSON that I could use.
- Or… can the users install a newer VLC version without removing the old one?

I am a Mac user/programmer, so my Windows knowledge is limited to basic use for compatibility reasons.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Nacho B.

Posts: 754
Joined: 13 Jun 2017 10:41

Re: Is there any chance to use JSON requests with VLC 1.1.11?

Postby mfkl » 03 Feb 2020 05:35


Developing any app based on VLC version below 3 currently is highly discouraged.
can the users install a newer VLC version without removing the old one?
Why not bundle your own libvlc builds with your application instead of using the system VLC app? That has several advantages in addition of you being in control of the libvlc/vlc version your app is based on.

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