Active X does not work on Win7 32bit (????)

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Active X does not work on Win7 32bit (????)

Postby reppiz » 03 Nov 2014 11:16


I have a problem. The VLC active X does not run on Windows 7 32bit. Just the 2.0 Version of the activeX works, but in this version the "playlist.Pause()"-Method does not work.
When I install a newer Version on my 64bit machine everything works fine, but on my 32bit version it doesn´t. I see the activeX container, and I can also use it,
but I can not use the JavaScript API. It gets the error (playlist is null or not an object) or (playlist.pause() is null or not an object).

As mentioned, when using the same webpage/script on Win7 64bit everything works fine.
I just tried it with InternetExplorer because it´s the only browser where I need this activeX.

Is this a known bug?

I´ve tried it with:
2.0 : (works on win7 64 and 32, but some methods, such as pause do not work)
2.8: (works on win7 64, but on 32 the javascript api does not work - everytime i get a null or not an object error)
2.13: (works on win7 64, but on 32 the javascript api does not work - everytime i get a null or not an object error)
2.15: (works on win7 64, but on 32 the javascript api does not work - everytime i get a null or not an object error)

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Re: Active X does not work on Win7 32bit (????)

Postby reppiz » 03 Nov 2014 14:18


I tried to install the latest Nightly Build of VLC 2.2 (20141103) -
on Win7 32 it seems that the JavaScript Commands work properly,
on Win7 64 the Commands also work.

On win 32 there is the classic "hover"toolbar of the VLC active X (play, pause, volume, and the timeline),
but on win 64 the toolbar does not appear unless i doubleclick the activeX that it goes to fullscreen.

any ideas why?

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Re: Active X does not work on Win7 32bit (????)

Postby da2424 » 04 Nov 2014 18:11

Is this a known bug?
Yes, it's a known bug. It's fixed in v2.2.
On win 32 there is the classic "hover"toolbar of the VLC active X (play, pause, volume, and the timeline),
but on win 64 the toolbar does not appear unless i doubleclick the activeX that it goes to fullscreen.
On my Systems the activex plugin is sometimes only white. Then it helps to scroll the website, maybe this also helps you.

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