How to Add a Live Stream to my Website

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How to Add a Live Stream to my Website

Postby klytemnestra » 01 Aug 2012 15:17

Hello, I am trying to set up a Media Player on my Website at:

The purpose

We play an Online game called "Star Trek Online." Since May of 2010, we have been running our fleets radio site via Listen2myradio as the main host. In that set up we ported the live video and audio stream via Adobe Live Media Encoder. This summer, I wanted to set up my own server to handle the radio station so that I did not have to incur a monthly fee. Since our listening audience is very small, I felt VLC Media Player was the better way to go.


I have set up the player and have been using it for some time now. The fleet members all downloaded a version of VLC Media Player to listen to the station via the IP Address I set up on my server here at the house.

What I want to do?
I wanted to expand our audience by porting a feed to our website.

I followed the instructions that were available at the VideoLAN site on the wiki.

I used this code or HTML:

<ASX version ="3.0">
<REF HREF="" />

And I saved the program as SF41.asx using WordPad. I also set up the program in its own directory titled HTML Folder.

On the website, I uploaded the file as sf41.asx

Then, I wrote the embedding HTML at the page where I wanted the player to be displayed.

The HTML I used was:

<embed src="sf41.asx">

I saved the file and published it to the site. I used Safari to test the site and IE, but on IE the play buttons only show up as broken links.

I went to view the player on the site, but all it does is show the player, and the buttons enable. However, when you press play nothing happens.

I tested the file on my server or computer with VLC MEDIA Player by

Method 1:

Starting VLC Media Player>Open Stream>>Play

and I hear music and see the video

Method 2:

Starting VLC Media Player>File>Klytemnestra/HTML Folder/sf41.asx>Play

and I hear music and see the video playing.

For the video server I did this:

Started VLC Media Player>Stream>Capture Device>Stream>Next>HTTP>8040>STREAM

and the player starts and sends out the stream which I can hear and see the video using method 1 or method 2 for the player.

What I think

Even though the file is upload to the Index Page of the website, it is a different file from the one stored on my computer's hard drive. I think the problem is occurring at this stage of the process for the uplink. But, I am not sure.

As I understand the process.

The HTML program is what tells the website page how to find the uplink server at, which sort of acts like a pointer, I refer to it as a socket. So when I go to the page and embed the source or src it should point back to the file on the Index Page, which is sf41.asx.

I think the reason I hear sound and see video when I test it on VLC Media Player is because it is pulling it directly from the Hard Drive or the program saved at the HTML Folder container.

So, what do I need to do to hear the stream on the website?

Thank you.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Feb 2014 08:37

Re: How to Add a Live Stream to my Website

Postby Anthonyborg » 08 Feb 2014 09:02

Did you solve this if you can help because I have the same problem ?

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