Flowplayer not showing my video in a browser.

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Flowplayer not showing my video in a browser.

Postby snblg » 01 Apr 2013 11:21

I try to stream a webcam with the http server enabled, using Vlc 2.05, Firefox 19.0.2.
searching "flowplayer" in this forum did not help me much !

Webcam is Ok, I can stream it with the vlc interface.

I would like to watch the stream with a web browser, so I activated the "web " in preferences panel.

The web interface controls the vlc window (loading, playing, etc in the Vlc Window.)
But my web interface only shows a gey rectangle, saying in french "Flowplayer loading; If nothing appears, check your internet connexion.

As I cannot find any flowplayer app in the /usr/vlc/lua/http folder, here are my questions:
Is the web lua plugin able to display the video in the web interface ?
Do I need to download flowplayer - and where to copy it ?

Thanks in advance.

Note: I'm discovering vlc, it's much more powerfull that what I thought about it - I simply used it from time tot time to play vidéos locally !

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Flowplayer not showing my video in a browser.

Postby snblg » 01 Apr 2013 13:59

As I cannot find plugins for flowplayer, I've downloaded the zip file, uncompressed it in the lua/http folder

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="flowplayer/flowplayer.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
in view.html
(subfolder flowplayer is in my http folder)


Code: Select all

/* delay script loading so we won't block if we have no net access */ $.getScript('flowplayer/flowplayer.min.js', function(data, textStatus){ $('#player').empty(); flowplayer("player", "flowplayer/flowplayer.swf"); /* .getScript only handles success() */
in index.html.

But still no vidéo in my http window.
I've checked file names.

Strange, it should work now.

Blank Cone
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Re: Flowplayer not showing my video in a browser.

Postby yushalee10 » 03 Apr 2013 14:02

1) There is no source indicated in your code. There needs to be something like: src= http://IP of the streaming source:8080/stream (etc)
2) what kind of server setup are you using? If its a LAMP stack, Apache has an add on for h264 but I have not been able to make anything else work. You could also search out red5 and try to get it to work, but I found it to be a headache because there isn't much documentation for Ubuntu Linux.
3) I spent almost a month trying to get a similar setup working, in the end I gave that up and embeded the VLC plugin to my site. Here is the source code I use:
<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" pluginspage="http://www.videolan.org" version="VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2" id="vlc" height="400" width="700">
var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
vlc.playlist.add("http://streaming source ip goes here:8080/stream", "live",
this works like a charm :D
3) What is the VLC config? For webcam streaming there is a setup guide on the VLC wiki called "stream vlc to website with asf and flash" Follow the guide, it works. Although I use the Div3 and mp3(asf) to stream the webcam to my streaming computer in my home network, and at the streaming computer I transcode and restream it using h264 and aac (ts) (Computer has an i7 intel).
This is what I was able to get working, and its what I use. If you find another setup which works, make sure you share. Wish you the best brother, let everyone know how it goes.
also, I just found this thread: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=108523

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 01 Apr 2013 10:54

Re: Flowplayer not showing my video in a browser.

Postby snblg » 07 Apr 2013 20:47

Hello to yushalee10 and all others.
I shall try your source code next weekend (cannot realy "work" on week days)
I made some searches this week end, and found how to simply use flowplayer.
As I do not know anything about java, it will be hard to apply it to the vlc index.html file.

First I dowloaded jquery and flowplayer that are compatible together.
Second, I modified the html file to make it work with local files.
I named it file:///usr/share/vlc/lua/http/flow1.html

Code: Select all

<!doctype html> <head> <!-- player skin --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skin/minimalist.css" /> <!-- site specific styling --> <style> body { font: 12px "Myriad Pro", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; text-align: center; padding-top: 5%; } .flowplayer { width: 80%; } </style> <!-- flowplayer depends on jQuery 1.7.1+ (for now) --> <script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <!-- include flowplayer --> <script src="bin/flowplayer.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- the player --> <div class="flowplayer" data-swf="bin/flowplayer.swf" data-ratio="0.417"> <video> <source type="video/webm" src="http://stream.flowplayer.org/bauhaus/624x260.webm"/> </video> </div>
Third, I replaced the file with a local .webm file.
It sill works.
This means flowplayer is Ok on my computer.

I suppose that:
web browsers have evolved
flowplayer too, giving incompatible files with jquery through the internet
as a result, flowplayer included with Vlc Twoflower 2.0.5 does not show your stream anymore (not sure at all this 3rd point is true)

This is probably because I do not know if I can select a file with the web browser, paly it, and vlc automatically streams it on the 8081 port to the flowplayer software included in it's web page.

How do I stream videos from my webcam: using first http and then rtsp.
I have tried ports 8080 and 8081 which conflicts with vlc itself - other port numbers do work;
I use the 8554 default port for rtsp.
Opening the stream via a web browser (firefox 19.0.2), it opens Vlc.
A file does the same - webcam.m3u

Code: Select all

I open it with vlc.

Of course, I shall post here all my findings - if any !
I have written two "how to" for beginers, but it's in french. There are plenty, so what for ?
Just because I had to read many different pages on the internet to succeed streaming and using the vlc web server option.
One of it is a web page about vlc, smartphones using android and Ipwebcam.
The second one is: how to stream for beginners
I do not know if I am allowed to give the link here - and again, it's in french...

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