Activex VLC Interface and :sout

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Activex VLC Interface and :sout

Postby bolo » 02 Sep 2005 18:53

Hi All,

First of all, great work with the activex interface!

I have tried the activex on the .net plataform (C#) and it works perfectly playing files and remote streams.

But i have a problem : i am trying to use the activex to capture the video stream comming from a webcan and output to an mpeg file.

If i add a target like that :

dshow:// :dshow-vdev="MY WEBCAM" :dshow-adev="none" :no-dshow-config :no-dshow-tuner :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=256,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=mpeg1,url="C:\Prueba.mpg"}}

I can watch the preview in the screen, but no file is recorded. In the other hand if i launch vlc from the command line the above argument, the file is generated correctly.

Is there any way to use the activex plugin to capture and output to a file? How should i tell the activex to output to file?

Many thanks for the videolan thing ;)


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Postby bolo » 02 Sep 2005 21:12

I forgot to metion : i am using last svn nightly build.


Postby Walter » 17 Feb 2006 07:59

I am having the same problem,
Could any one help?
Please drop me an email,


Postby » 17 Feb 2006 14:30

I have the same probleme, is there anybody who solve this problem? In my case it's a little different, because i'm using a Tv-card and i want to record TV... but the problem is the same.

I'm using VB6 and the only way to by-pass this is

1°) execute with the Shell Command
Shell "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" dshow:// :dshow(-vdev = ""):dshow(-adev = ""):dshow(-Size = ""):dshow(-caching = 400):dshow(-chroma = ""):dshow(-fps = 25.0):no(-dshow - config):no(-dshow - tuner):dshow(-tuner - channel = 0):dshow(-tuner - country = 0):dshow(-tuner - Input() = 1):sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ogg,url="OutputFile.ogg"}}

2°) Then kill the windows when it's finish
Hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, "VLC media player")
Rep = PostMessage(Hwnd, WM_CLOSE, vbNull, vbNull)

If any body have the ActiveX solution then
Leave a post :)
end if

Thanks to all

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Postby tonsofpcs » 17 Feb 2006 23:11

What happens if you tell it to write the file and not show on screen (no duplicate)?

Postby » 17 Feb 2006 23:45

I'm not using Display and File at the same time
if it was the case, i would have this (using VLC player wizard), tell me if i'm wrong

That's my VB code that doesn't work, but as i was saying before, if i use those parameters to execute on the command line, it works fine... but it's not the wait you make good programing...

Dim Vopt(12) As String
Vopt(0) = ":dshow-vdev="""""
Vopt(1) = ":dshow-adev="""""
Vopt(2) = ":dshow-size="""""
Vopt(3) = ":dshow-caching=400"
Vopt(4) = ":dshow-chroma="""""
Vopt(5) = ":dshow-fps=25.000000"
Vopt(6) = ":no-dshow-config"
Vopt(7) = ":no-dshow-tuner"
Vopt(8) = ":dshow-tuner-channel=0"
Vopt(9) = ":dshow-tuner-country=0"
Vopt(10) = ":dshow-tuner-input=1"
Vopt(11) = ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ogg,url=""D:\toto.ogg""}}"

Call Me.VLCPlugin.addTarget("dshow://", Vopt, VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, -666)


Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby tonsofpcs » 18 Feb 2006 06:34

That reply was for bolo.

As for your vb code, try removing the duplicate {} and just putting what's inside it. and with insertandgo, you shouldn't need to play afterwards.


Postby Walter » 20 Feb 2006 07:21

Hi all,
I just found some activeX bugs, I think these bugs cause the addTarget function fail to work and raises exceptions.

my version is 0.8.2

I am trying to find out if latest version 0.8.4 , has fix them. Or I will give the solution.

Wish me luck~

email to me and discuss about it


Postby Walter » 20 Feb 2006 08:03

I read the latest version 0.8.4a, it fixs some bug, and found some bug but haven't fixed properly.

the "ubound" is fixed to be the right definition, but some other places use it wrong. like ubound - lbound, should be ubound - lbound + 1

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Postby tonsofpcs » 20 Feb 2006 19:38

If you are going bug hunting, you should be using the latest version from SVN or at least from

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Postby rush4hire » 09 Apr 2007 15:09

Aside from the VB code, does the command string work?

I also want to capture from webcam with commandline stuff..

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