I am using vlc activex plugin v2 in a C# project and I have a video file which is yuv format. I have to set some parameters manually to play it normally.If I open vlc.exe directly and add a video file and set the parameters to ":rawvid-width=352 :rawvid-height=288 :rawvid-chroma=I420", it works fine. But when I want to play it in my winform project.The P\parameter “options” does not work in function playlist.add(string uri, object name = Type.Missing, object options = Type.Missing).
Here is my code: string[] options = new string[] { ":rawvid-width=352", ":rawvid-height=288", ":rawvid-chroma=I420" };
this.axVLCPlugin21.playlist.add("file:///D:/1.yuv" , Type.Missing, options);
I know that for some security issues, the parameter "options" does not support some specific types, but what I do is just to adjust the width, height and chroma of the video. Can someone help me?