Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.x

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Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.x

Postby torresmedia » 19 Aug 2010 09:04


I've just started using the mozilla-plugin for a new online streaming service and I've run in to some bugs with the latest version of VLC:

Full screen is still not working:

Code: Select all

function _fullscreen(){ var vlc = document.vlc; alert("Hit F to exit fullscreen");; }
When I try to skip to a specific time, it skips correctly, but jumps back to the original time:

Code: Select all

function _setTime(seconds){ var vlc = document.vlc; var new_time = (seconds * 1000); vlc.input.time = new_time; }
I will update with other problems I have come upon if necessary :) If I have done something wrong in my code, please let me know :) Maybe someone has found a workaround?

On the brighter side, these are the functions I have got to work (code can be posted on request):
- Live time in 00:00:00 format using innerHTML.
- Pause/Play (simple :P)
- Fast forward with input speed: _fastForward(10);
- Rewind with input speed: _rewind(10);
- Mute with toggle text: Mute/Muted

You help me, I help you? :) Keep up the good work, VideoLAN :)

Last edited by torresmedia on 28 Aug 2010 22:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.3

Postby Ilasir » 22 Aug 2010 01:31

What version of vlc do you have? Fullscreen doesn't work in the 1.1.x series, but it does work with versions before that.

Are you using javascript?
I don't need a code to skip, but if so, here's one that should work:

var skiptime;

function seekspecific()
skiptime = 100000;
vlc.input.time = skiptime;

Why is it that you need to skip to specific times?

Also, why are you re-inventing the wheel? There are already two fantastic toolbars for vlc that have almost all the function you seem to want...

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Re: Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.3

Postby torresmedia » 23 Aug 2010 22:39

Thanks for the reply! :)

I want users who is streaming from my page to be able to store a certain time on the movie, so that if they stop watching a movie, and then return they would be able to start viewing from that particular time :)

I didn't know there was any free toolbars out there? Do you have a link? Thanks! :)

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.3

Postby Ilasir » 23 Aug 2010 23:08

There are two toolbars for the vlc plugin that have a full set of features. The revolunet controls are mentioned in the vlc wiki and you can read about them here: ... ur_webpage
Revolunet is an inactive project at the moment, so if it doesn't have something you want, you'll have to figure out how to add it for yourself.

You might also take a look at this site: ... rol-panel/

This project is currently stalled, but support is still provided on the blog.

Neither has your storage function, but it should be simple to add it.

I'm cursious if you mean that you want someone to be able to navigate away from the page and then come back? I've never seen any player that does that, but I suppose if you planned to store the session information anyway, you could throw in a javascript function to skip to a stored time if the user came back. It seems like a lot of trouble to go to, though.

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Re: Issues with the Mozilla Plugin 1.1.3

Postby torresmedia » 28 Aug 2010 22:57

Thanks for the response, once again! :)

The two examples you showed me were great, but only presented solutions to the problems I already have found solutions to :)

The "come-back"-function: yeah, I'm gonna store the location in milliseconds to the movie history. Users who are using this page are already logged in with a username and password, making it easy to store this kind of information :)

Version 1.1.4:
- Full-screen still not working
- Go to/skip still not working


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