At First. Sorry my English is not very good...
I googled very much, but i doesn't get a answer for my question.
i develop a Programm that allows me to control my pc remotly. Controll the vlc shouled work too.
I have a own "Server" Programm that runs on my PC. And a Client Software that works on Clients (LAPTOP, PDAs)
To controll vlc i use Hotkeys. The Client send "Forware" and the Server simulated the Hotkey for "Forward".
But now i want to get the playlist. So i neet telnet or the webserver from vlc.
But both doesn't work.
At First Telnet:
1. Vlc is started and a Video is running.
2. I entered "telnet localhost 4212"
3. enter the password.
4. But now the command doesn't work.
- "pause" => Answer: "pause : Unknown command"
- "stop" => Answer: "stop: Uknown command"
Why this commands doesn't work?!?! And what is the command to display/select the playlist?
Then i tried the "Webserver/Webinterface" from VLC.
But on my PC doesn't run a VLC Webserver.
i tried to active http control.
a. Menu "Tools"
b. Item: "Preferences"
c: Show "All"
d: "Interface->Main Interfaces" then i set the checkbos "http remote control interface" to TRUE
e: "Interface->Main Interfaces->HTTP" i set host adress to "" or ""
f: "Save"
g: "View->Add Interface->Web Interface"
h: Restart the VLC
i: check all setups again. => okay.
j: go to webbrowser and "1270.0.0.1:8080"
i: FAILED! => NO Website is found
Have someone an idea? I googled very much... in German and i tried English search... But i doesn't get infos....
Can someone help me please??