I'm working using the Dojo Toolkit to make possible to create VLC plugins dynamically.
You can see a previous WORKING version at:
I have now a better version that I going to upload also with some tests as they asked for.
Now that I'm working on unit tests with dojo.doh, I've found that it could be very usefull to unload/free/destroy some dynamically created VLC plugin as one test is executed after the other. This could allow each test to start with a newly created plugin.
Perhaps this method exist and is the same for all kind of plugins (embeds or objects). But I don't know if that could be possible to do.
Julien Bouquillon (from revolunet VLCObject code) seems to put all functions inside the Object to an empty one. See the revolunet.VLCObjectUtil.cleanupVLCs code. But if this code is correct is only useful for IE. Does it works? Could we do the same with the EMBED elements?
If the unload of a plugin instance is impossible. My tests must be done only with a few previously created VLC plugins. I think this is less interesting for testing a library that could create (but not delete, for now plugins dynamically.