[SOLVED] VLC plugin in Google Webtoolkit problem

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[SOLVED] VLC plugin in Google Webtoolkit problem

Postby RedStapler » 01 Nov 2007 23:57

I have a tricky problem. I tried to get to the bottom of it for a few days now.

My task is to integrate the VLC plugin in a Google Webtoolkit (GWT) generated website. This is Javascript, generated by the GWT compiler. The plugin code (see below) is generated dynamically, i.e. with an GWT HTML object, which is added to the RootPanel with RootPanel.get().add(htmlObject). I got it running with Firefox, no luck with IE 6 however. I used the example at:
to proof that the VLC plugin works both in IE 6 and Firefox.

Back to my web site: What I experience in IE 6: The VLC plugin loads, audio starts to play, but video does not show in the HTML table cell.

With that, this clearly would belong to a GWT forum, unless I would not have discovered the following: When I use another ActiveX Control - I tested the plugin of another video player - I can get that plugin to work wih IE 6, in the GWT-created web site. I.e. there does not seem to be a problem with integrating ActiveX Controls in GWT.

I tried to further isolate the problem, but this is how far I got. I suspect the problem is somewhere in the relation between the VLC plugin and GWT's RootPanel...

Anybody got an idea what's going on? Thank you for looking at it.

---- VLC plugin code ----

<OBJECT classid="clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921"
codebase="http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/video ... /axvlc.cab"
width="320" height="240" id="vlc" events="True">
<param name="Src" value="TestStream.MPG" />
<param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />
<param name="AutoLoop" value="False" />
<param name="AutoPlay" value="True" />
<EMBED pluginspage="http://www.videolan.org"
name="vlc"> </EMBED>

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Re: [SOLVED] VLC plugin in Google Webtoolkit problem

Postby RedStapler » 07 Nov 2007 01:38

Thanks to all (49 so far) who clicked on this post. It took me *several* days to figure this one out.

I got the VLC plug-in working in IE6 and Mozilla/Firefox. Deliverance.

The information is out there, but it is scattered. GWT adds complexity.
I started a page on the Wiki:
Hope this pulls everything together.

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Re: [SOLVED] VLC plugin in Google Webtoolkit problem

Postby venkivoice » 30 Jan 2009 09:41


Please help me. I am trying to run a video in GWt using VLC plugin, it works just fine in FF but not in IE.I have been working all the weeks and days, I don't know where its getting err, Please guide me how to do it. :oops:

Thanks & Regards,

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Re: [SOLVED] VLC plugin in Google Webtoolkit problem

Postby gibi2 » 30 Jan 2009 14:40

Hi venkivoice

Strange issue.
I read sometime ago in the docs of the VLC plugin apis that IE loads third parties plugins in asynchronous way, so you may try to intercept the actual loading of the plugin in the page instead of basing a script directly on the body.onload event.

I mean that FF loads the pugins and then fires the onload event, while IE loads the page and may fire the onload event before loading the plugins, causing the api to fail.

Is this your case?

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