fullscreen and Position

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fullscreen and Position

Postby Tigger » 14 Aug 2007 21:23

Hello to all,
I'm using the activex plugin with VB6
i've got another two problems:

1. Is there any way to check if the vlc-plugin is working in fullscreen mode? I have tried:

Code: Select all

vlcplugin1.fullscreen = true

but that doesent work because vlcplugin1.fullscreen is a method

2. I want to jump a number of seconds my code at the moment is

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vlcplugin1.Position = vlcplugin1.Position + "number of seconds" / vlcplugin1.Length
problem is that it always jumps to far, maybe I missunderstood the meaning of "vlcplugin1.Position". I thought is it meant like percentage.

Thanks for help :)

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Re: fullscreen and Position

Postby howdini » 23 Aug 2007 14:19

Checkout my c# code, maybe something here can help you. You'll need to port it though.

timer1.Enabled = false;
newPos = trcPos.Value;
VLanControl.TrackPosition tPos;
int vLen = vlcUserControl1.Length;
float findPos = ((float.Parse(newPos.ToString())/10000));
vlcUserControl1.MoveToPosition(new VLanControl.TrackPosition(0,findPos));

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Re: fullscreen and Position

Postby base64 » 26 Jan 2008 00:44

i have played with the above c# example and the latest libvlc which was compiled into a custom control as in the latest suggestions, but still cannot figure out the preferred way of seeking to a specific time in seconds in relation to a trackbar control.

the "position" member of the VLanControl.TrackPosition structure is not quite clear to me, as it is not a percentage or time in milliseconds.

here is a fix i've come up with that provides an adequate conversion so maybe this can help someone but I would love to know how the libvlc developers intended this functionality to be used.

this code seeks to the exact second in the video, although this still may not be enough accuracy for my project. is it possible to seek to a keyframe/frame? any input is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Code: Select all

double tmp = this.trackBar1.Value * 1.802d; double findpos = ((double.Parse(tmp.ToString()) / 10000)); this.vlcUserControl1.MoveToPosition(new VLanControl.TrackPosition(0, findpos));

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