These skins don't work with dual monitors:

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 5
Joined: 19 Apr 2011 13:48

These skins don't work with dual monitors:

Postby tryptych » 19 Apr 2011 14:45

I just tried 7 skins:

eDark Vlc
VLC Darkness

None of these work properly with dual monitors? It's 2011... am I the only one using multiple monitors? While using any of these skins if you try to make VLC fullscreen on the 2nd monitor, the skin forces it to go fullscreen on the primary monitor. Two of the skins cause VLC to bug out completely when you do this. VLC using the default interface does not have this bug. Why are skins so anti-dual-screen?

Question: are there any (dark) skins that are compatible with dual monitors?

Posts: 415
Joined: 02 Nov 2008 23:16

Re: These skins don't work with dual monitors:

Postby erwan10 » 10 Jun 2011 10:18

skins are not to be blamed. The skins2 engine was simply not managing multiple screens at all in fullscreen mode whether on Windows or on Linux. The result was unsatisfactory for both platforms, though problems ended up being slightly different.

In vlc1.2.0 (the dev version), this should be remedied. By default, fullscreen will occur in-place (the monitor where the video is already playing). User will also be able to force fullscreen on another monitor via the --qt-fullscreen-screennumber parameter already used for the qt4 interface.

Windows users are encouraged to test it (nighly builds available in the trunk repository) and report any problems still pending for that matter.

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