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Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 03:30
by Sara
Hi. Ive been searaching for a way to use my old winamp classic skins in VLC

Google pops up a few sites, the most recent one I've found is here: ... lc-player/

but they all apperantly refer to an older version of VLC.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or has this ability been removed?

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 01 Mar 2011 14:55
by erwan10
vlc used to support the winamp .wsz files. It should still be working.

vlc does not support the more recent winamp .wal files

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 01 Mar 2011 21:40
by erwan10
Actually, .wsz skins files do have some issues with the current vlc release. Patches have just been applied to solve them.

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 18:35
by Diexgo
Revive this topic. I have been playing with some VLC skins and also with .wsz winamp skins. I have downloaded some nice .wsz skins and put them in a folder. When in custom skin mode, VLC can't see the .wsz files browsing from interface --> open skin .., and it only shows *.vlt files only, and not *.wsz files.


But i can load .wsz skins if i browse interface --> preferences --> and then select wsz file from there.


Another thing. .wsz skins are not showing OK, its like main windows is missing. Have tried with several .wsz files, and all have the same bug, no main window.



These skins looks without bug in winamp, its not an skin bug. Maybe the way VLC reads .wsz files has changed in last versions.

- My configuration system is:

<<>> Microsoft Windows XP SP3
<<>> VLC 2.1.0-git-20130330-0010 Rincewind

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 21:52
by erwan10
I noticed the default image decoder sometimes has problem decoding bmp files. That has to be investigated.

On Linux, the alternative sdl_image decoder does the job. As a workaround, launch : vlc -I skins --codec sdl_image at the command line and these winamp2 skins then work very fine.

On Windows, no workaround so far.

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 00:13
by Diexgo
OK, but only have trouble with the same main windows in all skins, it's curious, the rest of the skin (equalizer, playlist, buttons) shows OK, and they are also .bmp files. Maybe it's something with the name used to refer to the main. Take a look to the examples:


Only main window is missing :shock:

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 03:34
by erwan10

Good catch. There was a bug regarding layout management. This bug is not related to winamp2 skins specifically, but chances to find it with these winamp2 skins were high because they come in two flavors : a reduced and an expanded main window, which means two layouts with different size at the vlc level.

Anyway, this bug should be fixed in the next nightly build.

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 02 Apr 2013 17:28
by Diexgo
Problem fixed Erwan10, in this build (vlc-2.1.0-git-20130402-1129-win32) the .wsz winamp skins works great again, all windows visible. Another success for the development team !, congratulations !. :D

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 20:04
by darck
I change skin to Winamp style. How do I browse and play podcasts now and play movies? Is there some shortcut for fast interface change default-skined?

Re: Useing Winamp classic skins for VLC

Posted: 29 Nov 2013 03:30
by Dweebix
I made a skin a couple of days ago that looks like my old winamp skin I created. ... a_recent=1